Partial answer
Here is a list of some terms, but aside from 'joining', I can't tell you what coupling means.
In addition, here is a list of terms most people know by their first few flights, so you probably already know them. Maybe they can at least help someone looking at this article in the future.
Dihedral- The angle of the wings from a horizontal line. Here is a text graphic example with "H" being the propeller/fuselage and the "lines" representing a wing. (This term is not strictly limited to wings)
⟍H⟋ _H_
45 degree dihedral No dihedral
Airspeed- The speed of air going into an airspeed sensor
Control surface- The part of a wing/stabilizer that moves to redirect the air and sort of push the airplane in a different direction
Pitch- Angle of airplane from front to back, controlled by elevator, upwards pitch=plane points nose up. Controlled by elevator
Roll- Angle of airplane "sideways" Left roll=tilted left. Controlled by ailerons
Yaw- Turning of an airplane in the same way a car works, sort of. Controlled by rudder
Flaps- Basically ailerons that go the same way and only down. These allow planes with them to get more lift at lower speeds, however the plane still needs about the same/a lot of thrust. More agile planes don't always have these, but slow fly bush planes do.
Thrust vectoring- Changing the direction of the thrust, basically the servos move the motor and turbine or propeller.
Lift- The upwards force of an aircraft mostly created by wings on a plane or propellers on a helicopter or multi copter.
Kv- (On a motor) Rotations per minute (RPM) per volt. For instance, a 1,400kv motor powered by 4 volts would, theoretically, spin at 5,600rpm
Flaperons- Flaps on the same control surface as ailerons, sort of like trimming both ailerons downwards.
Leading Edge Slats- Has a similar effect to flaps, but are not typically toggle-able remotely. I've never used them and so I can't really say.
Center Of Gravity- The place where all the weight of an object evens out. If this is given on an airplane in a measurement of distance, this is the how far back from the leading edge the Center of Gravity (CG) should be.
Torque- Normally, and in the hobby too, this is the strength of something turning. However, we also use it to refer to torque roll. Imagine (Don't do this) you hold the propeller on an powered airplane and you put the throttle up. Now, instead of the prop spinning, the prop stays still and the airplane spins around the propeller. While not as obvious, the particles in the air and the propeller it's self do this. That is why you often have to give rudder input to taxi in a straight line and why the propeller is angled on smaller airplanes.
There are a lot more simple and a lot more advanced terms, many of which I don't know myself, but I hope this helped you and anyone looking for these answers in the future! I'm still a beginner, so I couldn't tell you much more. Good luck getting the answer you wanted!