** Special thanks to test pilot Tommy "TEAJR66" Armour for helping out **
This plane was designed specifically for the dawn patrol event that is forming for Flite Fest 2016. It is a variation of the Baby Baron. The new wing and empennage were inspired by the RAF S.E.5a biplane.
It uses the same power setup as the FT Mighty Mini series, and can use the same power pod as the Mini Scout and Mini Speedster. It has nearly unlimited vertical on a 2S setup. I have not tried it on 3S (no 3S batteries small enough to test at the moment), but I'm guessing it will be pretty ballistic on that setup.
SPECIFICATIONS (*Copied from Baby Baron, need to update)
WINGSPAN: | 18 in | 457 mm |
LENGTH: | 15 1/2 in | 394 mm |
WING AREA: | 89.5 in2 | 5.8 dm2 |
WEIGHT (AUW): | 5.3 oz. | 150 g |
WING LOADING: | 8.53 oz./ft2 | 25.9 g/dm2 |
WCL: | 10.8 | |
CHANNELS: | 3 | |
CONTROLS: | Aileron, Elevator, Throttle |
MOTOR: | Emax MT 1806 |
ESC: | Turnigy Plush 12amp |
BATTERY: | 450-800 mah 2S |
PROPELLER: | 6 X 4.5 |
SERVOS: | 2 X 4.5g |
Ailerons : 40% Expo : 50%
Elevator : 40% Expo : 50%
IMAGESElevator : 40% Expo : 50%
[*=1]1 Sheet Adams Readi-Board
[*=1]1 FT Mighty Mini Firewall
[*=1]3 FT Mighty Mini Control Horns
[*=1]1 BBQ Skewer
[*=1]3 Push Rods 18 GA Music Wire (.040"/1 mm)
[*=1]2 Servos Emax ES9051b
[*=1]3 Linkage Stoppers (optional)
Fuselage Construction
Parts needed:
<02> Fuselage
<03> Fuselage Doubler X2
<03> Fuselage Doubler X2
We'll start by assembling the fuselage, part number <02> on your plans. If you've built any of my swappable sized combat planes (Bloody Baron, Ugly Wonder, or Bloody Wonder MkIII), then this fuselage construction will already be very familiar to you.
STEP 1) Glue the C-Fold at the nose of the Fuselage. Make sure everything is squared up so the fuselage sides fold up perpendicular to the top plate.
STEP 2) Glue the B-Folds for the fuselage sides one at-a-time. I like to use the edge of the table to square up the fuselage with the tabs that will protrude from the top. Make sure that your sides are perpendicular to the top plate.
STEP 3) Repeat for other side.
STEP 4) Next get out your fuselage doublers, part number <03> on your plans. Ensure the doublers will fit snugly in the fuselage by lining up the notch in the doubler with the C-Fold in the fuselage. After checking for a proper fit, glue the doublers in place one at-a-time.
I'm going to assume that you already know how to build your Flite Test Mighty Mini Power Pod.
Verify that the mini power pod fits snugly in the fuselage.
Wing Construction
Parts needed:
<06> Wing
<07> Wing Spar
STEP 1) Cut the double 45° bevel along the score cut in the center of the wing, part number <06> on your plans.
STEP 2) Cut the single 45° bevels for each of the ailerons.
STEP 3) Remove the foam from the inside of the cavities for the spar tabs leaving the paper on the outside surface of the bottom of the wing. Note, you can choose to cut the openings all the way through, I just prefer the cleaner look you get by making the cavity.
STEP 4) Crease at the indicated crease lines.
Your wing should look similar to the following image at this point.
STEP 5) Score cut your spar, part number <07> on your plans, and fold it in half to establish the crease.
STEP 6) Apply glue to the inside of the fold and glue the two halves together.
STEP 7) Apply glue along the edge of the spar with the tabs and attach the spar to the wing by placing the tabs in the spar cavities.
STEP 8) Carefully test folding your wing and make sure that there is a slight gap between the bottom plate and the ailerons to allow proper deflection of the control surfaces.
STEP 9) Once you are happy with the wing shape, open the wing back up and apply glue along the double bevel groove, the top of the spar, and the trailing edge of the bottom plate. Then carefully fold your wing and apply pressure for 1-2 minutes let the hot glue properly cool.
STEP 9) Once you are happy with the wing shape, open the wing back up and apply glue along the double bevel groove, the top of the spar, and the trailing edge of the bottom plate. Then carefully fold your wing and apply pressure for 1-2 minutes let the hot glue properly cool.
Horizontal & Vertical Stabilizers
Parts needed:
<04> Horizontal Stabilizer
<05> Vertical Stabilizer
STEP 1) Remove foam for cavities in the horizontal stabilizer, part number <04> on your plans.
STEP 2) Cut the single 45° bevel for the elevator in the horizontal stabilizer.
STEP 3) Remove foam for the cavities in the horizontal stabilizer.
STEP 1) Remove foam for cavities in the horizontal stabilizer, part number <04> on your plans.
STEP 2) Cut the single 45° bevel for the elevator in the horizontal stabilizer.
STEP 3) Remove foam for the cavities in the horizontal stabilizer.
STEP 4) Glue the vertical stabilizer to the horizontal stabilizer making sure that they remain perpendicular to each other. Add hot glue to the seams on both sides of the vertical stabilizer and scrape off the excess with a scrap piece of foam.
Final Assembly
STEP 1) Attach the tail assembly to the fuselage using the slots and tabs for alignment.
STEP 2) Attach the wing assembly to the fuselage using the slots and the tabs for alignment. Use a square to ensure that the wing is square to the fuselage.
STEP 3) Add servos, control horns, linkage stoppers and push rods. This process is similar to many of the Flite Test builds. If you are new to building, refer to one of the Flite Test build videos for instructions.
STEP 4) Attach the exhaust manifolds to the fuselage.
STEP 5) Add your power pod with electronics using the same procedure as the FT Mini Scout build. Ensure the back of the power pod touches the top plate of the fuselage to obtain the proper amount of down thrust. Inset the dowels through the power pod.
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