Bartini jet-engined Seaplane fighter proposal of the 50´s


Legendary member
R.L.Bartini was an Italian-born Soviet aircraft designer and scientist, involved in the development of numerous successful and experimental aircraft projects. A pioneer of amphibious aircraft and ground effect vehicles, Bartini was one of the most famous engineers in the Soviet Union.

In the 50´s he made some design concepts of different jet driven seaplanenes... where only a a few bad scetches and one picture is known.
Mostly it seems to be a typical boat-style hulls, but specially a few differ from the others. Stationary canards??? No tail stabilizer? still tailfin though.. (interesting... ;))

"of course" i couldnt keep off in awaiting parts for other projects, and got in touch with a guy for a bit more info, not exactly all i wanted, but.....I LIKE THE STYLE!!!
MAEE did that time also made a "similar" concept scetch, even if without canards, but also without the tail stabilizer.
Together with this info i feel can have the fun, and try make a flying model, with stationary canard up front, slight v-shaped wing, and no rear stab.

The model "wanted" is marked as "01", and with a proper 70mm EDF this should be a fun build. Note that airintakes are on top front of wings. By other info, it should be "bulbs" on side of fuselage under the wing to exhaust outlet.



Legendary member
a crappy picture, but nice to show how i got made the curbed hull part. They are "drawed" sideways against a table edge with one side paper removed (as in FT Masterstyle builds) and reversed mounted! Paperside is inside, foamside out and whole bottom got a thin layer woodglue to stiffen the foam. This way, i got nice uniform curbed hull sideways, aaand lengthwise


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since i did this build "big enough" ? wingspan seems be approx 1200mm, and then i wanted make wing detachable. Centerpart is done, CF tubes, and a bit more.... top "decs" tailfin, eg.. The centerpart of wing do also have airinlets in top-front.


Legendary member
internals aint so easy to show good. Airinlets and "split"exhaust, well. The place for EDF eg. Airinlets will be glued to center wing section, but cant be done yet... i need make a few reinforcements for mounts.



Legendary member
both wings buildt.. with CF spar, and the curbed outer end, in typical Clarck-Y profile. Still working with the end pontoon pods ..
Outer end curb is reinforced to keep profile, bottom ( just scored foamboard with paper on both sides) - part stiffen with wood glue fully dried, before top wingskin is glued in place, curbed at table edge.. Because of the small difference in the layers, and different glue, they will keep the profile. Flex is minor.
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Legendary member
Ive been visiting some of the "Eastern Block" countrys in work (earlyer Sovjet states) and seen some of their boats/crafts hull designs. Sadly enough, neither space eg to byed all, just for preserve some of the beautiful lines in designs.
This was main reason to here build this seaplanes hull as "correct" as possible, with both curbed outward and lengthwise in front to mid. Its done in modelbuilding of boats in balsa, but close to none done even in balsa aircraft, and in foam.. never. To lay V-shape by just flat, simplifies much. At a seaplane, one of worst "enemys" are water reaching props, wo reduces power, and even could ruin a prop. Thats reason for spray chines at front, different type of "lined" steps sideways at a seaplanes hull. If made by a "inverted" U-shape, the waters goes outward and down, with flat V-bottom, just outward.

Here it would give foamboard need shape in two different curbs, who is said cant.... well in this build i found it could be done :) just look on pic.4 of my build here.


Legendary member
Russian aviation industry, got a big "upswing" by the two WW, to produce planes that could beat the enemys , and many engineers tryed a lot in pride for the state before. That gave a lot of concepts , "paper-planes" (scetches on paper) and some of this have been found. The germans did had a lot of ideas in the wars, some more desperate than others, to have planes that could rule the air. Same with Sovjet, but Sovjet had a lot of "design bureau´s" that each one took ideas something longer, than as in Germany , a single Bureau.
Its like going into every US producer as eg Boeing, and look at every idea they had. US, Germany is mostly just known the aircrafts presented to governmental intistutes for appliance. By Sovjet, also ideas from each design bureau´s is more known of that times. And Russian Aviation industry was that time far more comed, than we did know in the west. Just remember, a Sovjet plane flew to Amerika, far earlier than any US plane could fly to Sovjet.....


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full wings with sponson (wing floats), together with centerpiece ( with a gap, just to show both sides are detachable) ready for paint!!
Sponsons, and every edge of foam, cut in paper.. is got a thin layer of woodglue to keep watertight.



Legendary member
it goes forward, wings with sponsons, is ready painted, and installed servos,eg. The red part of rontend of fuselage was painted some hours ago with nice result. Did get quite flawless. Minor smoothing of the hull bottom, and some superlight filler adjustment at the tail... fuselage is ready for the silvergrey paint parts too.

Canopy can soon be fixed too (when emptyed the boottle if a nice pineapple soda..) This plane gonna get a female Russian pilot, is in mail.

And, recivers came in mailbox today!


Legendary member
quite ready assembled, just without the EDF.
Top rear deck isnt glued on, since need get into there for EDF mounting. Unsure if fuselage get long enough, its no info to get.. looks plausible to perhaps fly though, after what CG calculators says...
(the grass aint green anymore either, its minus degrees and frosty :()

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Master member
I think I would have built a simple foam chuck glider first to check the configuration can actually be made to glide in a stable fashion. It also helps to determine the CofG.
There is could be a reason why there are so few pictures of it. ;)


Legendary member
I think I would have built a simple foam chuck glider first to check the configuration can actually be made to glide in a stable fashion. It also helps to determine the CofG.
There is could be a reason why there are so few pictures of it. ;)
well... if do a check on a CG calculator eg. as a canard, it shows pretty normal specs, who should be quite flying .

Typical Russia at that times, they didnt want use engines for whatever plane, since didnt have enough functional ones.... thats something who ruined a lot of proposals there, even great ones too. Also most aero enginers typical was put in jail, and could only work with specific planes decided by government. Bartini was Hungay-Italian, reason enough to throw fast in jail... even if his "Stal" fighter prototype build, outcome most of all other russian planes, in every aspect... but it didnt fit Stalins view on what plane he should made....
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