Construction of Wooden Propellers for Wind Tunnels 1941 NACA Langley Research Center


Wake up! Time to fly!
I love watching things like that. Kinda why I am so attracted to Flite Test and their build videos. I used to spend hours watching my Grandfather do his thing in the wood shop he had in the basement. I can still hear him cursing every time he stood straight up and whacked his head on the floor beams above him because he was so tall. Many a band aid run I did hehe.

Every once in a while he would hit one of the heat pipe runs and you would hear the loud "Pang" and then the cursing would start and he would come upstairs to dress the new wound and grab a fresh cup of coffee and his pipe to take a break.


Elite member
I'm with PsyBorg - love these types of vids. Can't get over how young the "men" were that built this thing.
