New member
Built the master series spitfire - came out pretty good other than a few cosmetic creases here and there. Amazing stuff that foam board. Went to fly today using Power Pack C components for the kit. Radio, Receiver, and Battery, are Spektrum DX8e, AR637T, Gen2 2200 4S Lipo 50C. Motor is spinning CCW as required. Prop installed with 10x4.5 facing out. CG is 2" back from leading edge (had to add just a bit of weight in nose) and balances nicely.
Now it gets ugly, on both attempts to maiden, holding plane in hand (underneath), throttle almost all the way up - like it wants to jump out of my hand. Let go, and 15 feet to a direct nose dive left into the dirt. Now I'm outta props. And ideas. All the controls are working as they should. Gonna order more props, but thought I'd seek some guidance here first. Plane held up pretty well sans the motor mount loosening but a bit a hot glue and that it ready to go again.
Now it gets ugly, on both attempts to maiden, holding plane in hand (underneath), throttle almost all the way up - like it wants to jump out of my hand. Let go, and 15 feet to a direct nose dive left into the dirt. Now I'm outta props. And ideas. All the controls are working as they should. Gonna order more props, but thought I'd seek some guidance here first. Plane held up pretty well sans the motor mount loosening but a bit a hot glue and that it ready to go again.