Does this exist? Switchable/toggleable Gyro for dsmx?


Active member
I have a project in the works and I was wondering if there was such a thing as a gyro that I could remotely switch off from a switch on a spektrum radio, that is a separate system thingy from the receiver, so as3x wouldn't work I think. I would need it to McGiver a vtol together
Any ideas?


As cool and useful that would be, this is going to be a flight-controller free project, but in the future I expect to make it more refined and "professional"
You can essentially program in the functionality you're going for, i.e. only stabilize a certain motor/control surface when switched on, otherwise pass through unstabilized commands


Active member
You can essentially program in the functionality you're going for, i.e. only stabilize a certain motor/control surface when switched on, otherwise pass through unstabilized commands
(quick note, i had a whole, more refined response written, then my computer turned off and it didn't save, so this might sound rushed)
I want to use a flight controller, I just don't have the know how (yet) or the money (it might be cheaper than I think) because I know it would work better than my aftermarket gyro tricking thing i want to do.
But I hope when I revisit this project in the future with my newfound brainpower after college and stuff to use a flight controller, and I will definitely be bookmarking your flight controller, because if its the one I am thinking of, I have heard good things about it.

Might one of these do the trick?
Failing that, a LemonRX stabilised receiver?
That looks like it will work, thanks!