What battery are you using? If it’s a 3s try using an APC 10x5E prop. They are really durable and will break a lot less than the ones that came in the power pack.
What battery are you using? If it’s a 3s try using an APC 10x5E prop. They are really durable and will break a lot less than the ones that came in the power pack.
If you are getting stalls you are flying too slow or taking off to soon let it roll out and gain some speed before lifting off, let it gain some altitude and speed before making you first turn.
If you are getting stalls you are flying too slow or taking off to soon let it roll out and gain some speed before lifting off, let it gain some altitude and speed before making you first turn.
Not trying to come across like a know-It-all or anything but if it was your first 3D plane then yeah, it’ll probably feel tail heavy. I balance my edge behind the last crease in the wing, so tail heavy from the stock marks. I like it there though...