So much jargon and acronyms I can't figure out a dang thing.
I'm building the Sea Duck and don't have a clue about electric motor power requirements nor the whole motor/ESC/battery config.
Only used electric in RC cars 25 years ago when the most important thing about power was # of windings and batteries were NiCads.
Finally making the switch due to noise, mess, power, availability and awesome new planes like these FT examples.
Can someone help match up what I need for the Sea Duck? Not looking for supersonic but rather power with good handling.
From what I have seen the FT power pack C twin is a good fit. The power packs are a good way to get flying before completely understanding everything about electronics. They come with good quality components and will last a while.
Now I don't know much about motor size requirements and usually just go by feel, but I can explain what a lot of the numbers mean.
the numbers like 2204 and 2215 are for the motor's physical size in mm. The first two are width and the next two are height in mm. Here's where it gets confusing though, there are two places that you can measure from. You could measure the size of the outside of the motor, or you could measure the stator size. Since there is no industry standard you have to be careful about this when choosing a motor because one 2215 can be a lot smaller than another. A way I found to get around that was to look at the actual listed measurements of the motor instead of the numbers. If the motor measurements in the description are larger than the motor numbers, then they are probably measuring the stator.
For example, you can find a 2826 on hobby king, and under the specs you see that the "product size" is 28mm wide and 27mm tall. Since that is pretty close to 28 and 26, you can assume that they measured the entire motor to get the number 2826.
The next number is kv. Kv is rpm per volt, so if you put 12 volts into a 1000kv motor under no load, it should spin at 12000 rpm.
In summary, a 2204 2300kv motor is a motor with either a stator or bell size of 22mm wide and 4mm tall that spins at 2300 rpm per volt.
I managed to find a pic of a labeled motor:
This is a website that explains a lot of motor stuff a lot better. Some of the info is for quads but lots of the general information will be good to know for planes too.
I know that you just asked for help finding a power system but I felt like giving you a bit more information to get started since you said that you didn't know much about electric and stuff.
Also welcome to the hobby and the forums!