First time vlogging at a beautiful spot FPV Freestyle


Wake up! Time to fly!
Not bad flying mate. Seems spending time with Raymon is rubbing off. Oh and I gotta say I am frustrated.. you outed the Rotor Riot special with Raymon and its not up yet.. I was sooo psyched for him and really want to see it!!

Keep up the vlogs and as you get better maybe you and Raymon can start your own show at some point if he is not snatched up by Rotor Riot. Good luck and keep flying.

Galinksy FPV

New member
Thanks man, Raymon brought me actually into FPV about a year ago. I am flying 90% of the time with him! :D Actually learned everything from him. hèhè.

The video is up by the way!
The first clip is the one from Raymon :D

We have thought about that since we both have some quite original ideas to do but we do not know exactly how to deploy such thing. Therefore we are trying now to talk to the camera and stuff since we have to still learn a lot to make such awesome things like Rotor Riot does.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Oh hehe I saw that one already. I assumed he got his own episode on Rotor Riot. Now I am even more bummed.

It must be nice to fly with friends. None of mine seem to be interested and there is only a kid with a syma x5 and another guy with a phantom that I know who fly near me.

Galinksy FPV

New member
Hèhè sorry :p
well I started of as well with a cheap chinese one. The jjrc h8c to be exact :p
Then I got a F450 build and from there I met Raymon.
I think someone flies FPV as well in your area somewhere. Once in 2 months or so Raymon find a new FPV'er all are living about 20km or closer from us.