Flight Test equipment use?


Junior Member
How do I use these modules? I can't seem to find any info on how to use these 3 devices. I know what there intended uses are for, just not sure where to insert the servo leads and battery leads into the devices. No instructions were included and I don't want to plug leads into the wrong area and fry the circuitry. Any help (including pics) would be great! Thanks guys.


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Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Middle pic is a battery alarm -- plug the battery's balance cable with the metal holes up into the left side of the pin header. It should beep loudly (cover the beepers at the top with your finger as you plug it in) report the number of cells, the total voltage then the voltage of each cell.

On the back of the board, between the speakers there's a small button to adjust the alarm trip point. press it once to show the current trip point, and press it again to advance to the next option. until you've taken the time to find out how low you can let the battery go and safely return to a good resting voltage, I'd recommend setting it to 3.60. you can likely lower it from that, but that should deplete roughly 80% of the stored energy, giving you a safe margin to land and will keep the batteries happier for longer.

To use it, plug it in and make sure it's secured to the airframe (I've had these fly off and disappear into grass on a crash) then go fly. if it starts beeping when you're in a throttle punch, you're probably still fine, but when it starts beeping at cruise throttle, it's time to land. Bring her in, let the battery rest for 30s or so, and look at the resting voltage of each cell -- a good stopping point is around 3.7v/cell, resting.

The third pic is a alarm-less version of the battery alarm. Plug your balance plug in and it reports the total voltage and the voltage of each cell.


New member
top pic servo tester see pics for more info, other 2 will only work when plugged in correctly and will not harm them if plugged in wrong.
side.jpg top.jpg


Junior Member
Thanks so much for the informative reply. I was completely lost, ha. Really liking the forum page and it's nice to see people taking the time out to inform. Thanks again for knowledge.