FPV GoPro vs Board Camera


I for one enjoyed the technical information in this episode. That being said, I was very disappointed in how it was shown. I wanted to comment in the article for the episode that I was displeased with where and how they were flying and their close proximity to people and vehicles, but the episode was never added as an article. I have to wonder if this was intentional. No place to leave comments means no negative comment for others to see. Regardless of the reason why no article was ever made available for this episode, I stand by my displeasure for the reckless flying that took place. With all of the negative the world is bringing to this hobby, I would think the crew would have been a bit more cautious since there are so many that they influence and teach.
I see your point, but you should really google professional quad racing pilots (CHARPU, UmmaGawd, etc.) and see how they fly. It's not reckless, it's crazy and FUN!

I believe that in the episode, the Flite Test guys, as well as the rest of the pilots, were flying in a designated location that was reserved for that kind of purpose. I might be wrong, but to say that what they were doing was "reckless" is being a bit too sensitive.