FPV Ship Questions


Well-known member
Hey y'all,

Some of y'all might remember me, I used to be active on the forums and flew a lot probably 1.5-3 years ago but have since stopped flying and sold lots of my stuff due to life. Well, I graduated high school a couple of days ago and have one last summer to fly some. I realized right after I sold lot's of my stuff that I particularly enjoyed one specific type of flying and that was FPV. So long story short, I will soon be posting in for sale and trade looking to find some gear. But I first have some questions since this honestly is not my field of expertise and I have been out of the hobby for a decent while.

I want to build a setup that has a few primary goals:
-Long distance flying (I'm thinking a reliable 1-2 mile range would be awesome)
-Long-ish flight times (ideally 20-30 min would be great)
-Decent performance (no gliders)

And secondary goals:
-System that can record camera feed
-Telemetry module/Heads up display (airspeed, altitude, the basics)
-Relatively small and light setup.

Right before I left the hobby I had a Strix Nano Goblin that had FPV gear in it and that thing was FUNNN. I'd love to build or buy something like that again-I loved how you could just cruise for a long time but also had some decent performance so could shoot trees and such. I also loved the small form factor (super light and could even hike with it) and flight times due to the Li-ons used. I guess my biggest question is this: What is some gear that in your opinion would match this setup? I still have my Dx6e as a transmitter so would likely use that (and would probably need a longer distance antenna?), so mainly what aircraft might be a good idea, what goggles and flight computer, and what antennas and such would I need to use to make this setup long distance capable? Thanks in advance!
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Master member
I'm a little wet behind the ears with FPV. I often struggle to keep a good visual signal at long distance, but I'm using fairly budget hardware; Eachine EV200D goggles, a custom module that takes my quad diversity down to bi diversity, but it's still an improvement and Foxeer antennas. I'm sure Fat Shark combined with certain receiver modules would be much better over those distances.

For endurance, I'd aim for efficiency; flying wings and blended body designs are good for this and so it's no surprise that a lot of store-bought FPV ships are designed that way. Either that, or an airline / cargo-style plane that can carry bigger batteries, but that conflicts with the 'hike-ability' characteristic that you want.

A lot of the FPV quad guys buy these special modules for their radios as well. I don't really know anything about them, but the point is; there is definitely specialised kit out there for the mission you have in mind. :)


Techno Nut
Obvious answer: Nano Goblin. I have two and have been flying the NG since it was released. The biggest down side of them is also their biggest plus. Low weight/size. They get bounced around a bunch if the air is not calm.

There are a few other planes in a similar price and size that I have not played with. I bounce between the NG and 1500mm+ powered gliders like the RMRC Stratosurfer. I get great range and 20+ minutes on 3s 4300mah batteries. Not super fast or as manuverable as the NG, but still fun for cruising.

Have a few race wings to play with, but have not maidened them yet.... Will know soon....

Not sure what kind of range you can get out of a Spektrum DX#. I have a RadioMaster TX16S and run FrSky R9 modules for long range. I get telemetry alerts from those and my short range modules so I can keep from getting out of range. On longer range flights, I always fly with INAV or ArduPilot and GPS so if something happens to my FPV feed and/or Radio feed, the bird will fly back to launch. I have a thread on my wingy thingys here https://forum.flitetest.com/index.p...upilot-flight-fc-enabled-wingy-thingys.53689/

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Well-known member
Obvious answer: Nano Goblin. I have two and have been flying the NG since it was released. The biggest down side of them is also their biggest plus. Low weight/size. They get bounced around a bunch if the air is not calm.

There are a few other planes in a similar price and size that I have not played with. I bounce between those and 1500mm+ powered gliders like the RMRC Stratosurfer. I get great range and 20+ minutes on 3s 4300mah batteries. Not super fast or as manuverable as the NG, but still fun for cruising.

Have a few race wings to play with, but have not maidened them yet.... Will know soon....

Not sure what kind of range you can get out of a Spektrum DX#. I have a RadioMaster TX16S and run FrSky R9 modules for long range. I get telemetry alerts from those and my short range modules so I can keep from getting out of range. On longer range flights, I always fly with INAV or ArduPilot and GPS so if something happens to my FPV feed and/or Radio feed, the bird will fly back to launch. I have a thread on my wingy thingys here https://forum.flitetest.com/index.p...upilot-flight-fc-enabled-wingy-thingys.53689/


Oh awesome, it sounds like you actually would be the perfect person to talk to, you mind if I DM you with some more specific questions?


Master member
At my club we have 5 Nano`s they look to be the easiest first FPV plane to fly, One member took his out thirty miles out and back so a total of 60 miles useing GPS just to see if he could do it.


Well-known member
At my club we have 5 Nano`s they look to be the easiest first FPV plane to fly, One member took his out thirty miles out and back so a total of 60 miles useing GPS just to see if he could do it.

30 MILES?!?! The wing loading on the Nano must have been insane with gear that has that capacity?


Techno Nut
30 MILES?!?! The wing loading on the Nano must have been insane with gear that has that capacity?
When ReadyMadeRC first launched the Nano Goblin, they had Time, Distance, and Speed leaderboards. Check out some of these numbers