This just popped up on the new items page of one of my favorite shops:
We saw a need for a wireless trainer feature for the FrSky transmitters. We could have made up a messy one with cables hanging out of the back of the radio, but we knew there was a better way. We worked closely the OpenTX developers to bring about a better option. The linker is fully contained inside the module bay. No loose wires, simple and clean. The design is pretty simple. You simply plug in a D4R-II or X4R-SB receiver and set some jumpers on the board. The second radio can be anything that can link to the receiver installed in the linker module.
Here is the great thing about the Frsky transmitters, thanks to the power of OpenTX, they have one of the most powerful trainer features. This can be used for training, but it can also be used for many other applications. When using an X4R-SB receiver, you can pass control of up to 16 channels via the Linker. No other radio system can do that. When might you use this? This can be used for passing off camera controls, advanced items for large scale projects, etc.
You can actually sub link out to additional FrSky transmitters when they are all equipped with a Linker. Imagine a battleship where each gunner can have control of his own turret with his own radio.
What is included:
Linker module
What you will need:
D4R-II or X4R-SB receiver
FrSky Transmitter: Taranis, Taranis Plus, Taranis X9E (yet to be tested), or the upcoming Horus (yet to be tested)
Remote Radio: This can be anything that can use a FrSky DFT, DJT, XJT or DHT module. (see partial list of radios at the bottom of this page.)
The Linker provides a wireless link between two radios, a “Master” radio and a “Remote” radio. The Master radio is the radio that would be under control of the instructor if used in a training session. It should be a Taranis, Taranis Plus or Taranis E (X9E) and will have the Linker module installed in the module bay.
The “Remote” radio is the radio that would be used by a trainee in a training session or as the secondary radio for auxiliary control.
When used in a training session the Master/Instructor radio will initially be in control of the model. Control will pass to the Remote/Trainee radio when a switch is activated on the Master radio. Typically the Taranis spring-return switch “SH” on the far right will be used so the switch must be held on when you want to give the Remote radio control, releasing the switch will give control back to the Master radio.
When the Remote radio is used for auxiliary control functions, channels to be controlled by the Remote can be assigned permanently to the Remote radio. An example would be to have the Remote radio assigned to control the camera gimbal on a Multirotor platform.
Linker Setup
Linker setup for X4R-SB
In the Master RADIO SETUP, Page to the TRAINER Screen. In each of the 4 lines Ail, Ele, Rud, Thr: change Mode to “:=” and set the percentage to 100%. Set the Source Channel Number to match the channel number to receive from the Remote radio.
Select the Model to use in the Master radio. Page to the MODEL SETUP Screen. Set “Trainer Port Mode” to Master/SBUS Module.
Linker setup for D4R-II
In the Master RADIO SETUP, Page to the TRAINER Screen. In each of the 4 lines Ail, Ele, Rud, Thr: change Mode to “:=” and set the percentage to 100%. Set the Source Channel Number to match the channel number to receive from the Remote radio.
Select the Model to use in the Master radio. Page to the MODEL SETUP Screen. Set “Trainer Port Mode” to Master/CPPM Module.
Don't forget to route your antennas into the pockets on the module cover.
Master Radio Special Function Setup
In the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Screen add the line above. When SH is Activated (Moved Toward the Operator) the Remote radio will control the model. When SH is Released the Master radio will control the model.
To set up channels to be permanently controlled by the Remote radio simply change the switch allocation to the setting “ON”.
Taranis Remote Radio Setup
Bind Remote Radio to Master Linker Receiver:
Some Radio Options for Remote Radio
With DJT or XJT Module Installed:
JR: 347, 388, 783, U8, PCM10, PCM10S, PCM10SX, PCM10IIS, 8103, J9303, MX-22, MX-24S, PX, 9XII Eurgle: 9X Turnigy: 9X, 9XR
With DFT Module Installed:
Futaba: 3PM, 3PK, 7U, 8U, 9C, 10C, 9Z, AND FN-Series, T10C, FC-18, FC-28 Hitec: Optic 6, Eclipse 7, Prism 7 WFLY: WFT09, WFT-08
The above is a partial listing. Basically any radio that can link to the X4R or D4R-II receiver that is inside the linker will work. This includes radios that can work with a DJT, DFT or DHT FrSky module. In most cases, any radio with a trainer port can be adapted to work with the exception of some of the newer Spektrum radios as they lack a normal CPPM signal.
We saw a need for a wireless trainer feature for the FrSky transmitters. We could have made up a messy one with cables hanging out of the back of the radio, but we knew there was a better way. We worked closely the OpenTX developers to bring about a better option. The linker is fully contained inside the module bay. No loose wires, simple and clean. The design is pretty simple. You simply plug in a D4R-II or X4R-SB receiver and set some jumpers on the board. The second radio can be anything that can link to the receiver installed in the linker module.
Here is the great thing about the Frsky transmitters, thanks to the power of OpenTX, they have one of the most powerful trainer features. This can be used for training, but it can also be used for many other applications. When using an X4R-SB receiver, you can pass control of up to 16 channels via the Linker. No other radio system can do that. When might you use this? This can be used for passing off camera controls, advanced items for large scale projects, etc.
You can actually sub link out to additional FrSky transmitters when they are all equipped with a Linker. Imagine a battleship where each gunner can have control of his own turret with his own radio.
What is included:
Linker module
What you will need:
D4R-II or X4R-SB receiver
FrSky Transmitter: Taranis, Taranis Plus, Taranis X9E (yet to be tested), or the upcoming Horus (yet to be tested)
Remote Radio: This can be anything that can use a FrSky DFT, DJT, XJT or DHT module. (see partial list of radios at the bottom of this page.)
The Linker provides a wireless link between two radios, a “Master” radio and a “Remote” radio. The Master radio is the radio that would be under control of the instructor if used in a training session. It should be a Taranis, Taranis Plus or Taranis E (X9E) and will have the Linker module installed in the module bay.
The “Remote” radio is the radio that would be used by a trainee in a training session or as the secondary radio for auxiliary control.
When used in a training session the Master/Instructor radio will initially be in control of the model. Control will pass to the Remote/Trainee radio when a switch is activated on the Master radio. Typically the Taranis spring-return switch “SH” on the far right will be used so the switch must be held on when you want to give the Remote radio control, releasing the switch will give control back to the Master radio.
When the Remote radio is used for auxiliary control functions, channels to be controlled by the Remote can be assigned permanently to the Remote radio. An example would be to have the Remote radio assigned to control the camera gimbal on a Multirotor platform.
Linker Setup
- The Linker Module can be used with Taranis Batteries up to 16 Volts.
- The Master radio must be running Open TX Version 2.1 or higher.
- A D4R-II receiver must be installed inside the Linker module if the Remote radio is equipped with a DJT or DFT module.
- For Taranis or XJT module equipped Remote radios either an X4R-SB or D4R-II receiver can be used in the Linker.
Linker setup for X4R-SB
- Install an X4R-SB Receiver
- At the 2 pin header JP1 remove the Jumper Marked “D4R” (or rotate the jumper so it only conects to 1 of the 2 pins as pictured.)
- At the 3 pin header JP2 place a jumper on the two pins above “X4R”
In the Master RADIO SETUP, Page to the TRAINER Screen. In each of the 4 lines Ail, Ele, Rud, Thr: change Mode to “:=” and set the percentage to 100%. Set the Source Channel Number to match the channel number to receive from the Remote radio.
Select the Model to use in the Master radio. Page to the MODEL SETUP Screen. Set “Trainer Port Mode” to Master/SBUS Module.
Linker setup for D4R-II
- Install a D4R-II Receiver in the module
- At the 2 pin header JP1 place a jumper on the two pins above “D4R”
- At the 3 pin header JP2 place a jumper on the two pins above “D4R”
In the Master RADIO SETUP, Page to the TRAINER Screen. In each of the 4 lines Ail, Ele, Rud, Thr: change Mode to “:=” and set the percentage to 100%. Set the Source Channel Number to match the channel number to receive from the Remote radio.
Select the Model to use in the Master radio. Page to the MODEL SETUP Screen. Set “Trainer Port Mode” to Master/CPPM Module.
Don't forget to route your antennas into the pockets on the module cover.
Master Radio Special Function Setup
In the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Screen add the line above. When SH is Activated (Moved Toward the Operator) the Remote radio will control the model. When SH is Released the Master radio will control the model.
To set up channels to be permanently controlled by the Remote radio simply change the switch allocation to the setting “ON”.
Taranis Remote Radio Setup
- Select the Model to use in the Remote radio
- In the MODEL SETUP Screen: Set “Trainer Port Mode” to Slave/Jack
- If a D4R-II receiver is installed in the Linker Module set internal RF mode to D8.
- If an X4R-SB receiver is installed in the Linker Module set internal RF mode to D16.
Bind Remote Radio to Master Linker Receiver:
- If using a Taranis as the Remote radio, in the Remote radio MODEL SETUP screen, select [Bind]. For Remote radios using a Frsky Module push the bind button. The transmitter should begin to beep or chirp.
- Hold down the bind button in the Linker Module with a long pointed object and turn on the Master radio. Wait until the Master radio initializes and the receiver LED’s turn on. Release the Linker receiver bind button. The receiver is now bound to the Remote radio.
- Power cycle both radios.
Some Radio Options for Remote Radio
With DJT or XJT Module Installed:
JR: 347, 388, 783, U8, PCM10, PCM10S, PCM10SX, PCM10IIS, 8103, J9303, MX-22, MX-24S, PX, 9XII Eurgle: 9X Turnigy: 9X, 9XR
With DFT Module Installed:
Futaba: 3PM, 3PK, 7U, 8U, 9C, 10C, 9Z, AND FN-Series, T10C, FC-18, FC-28 Hitec: Optic 6, Eclipse 7, Prism 7 WFLY: WFT09, WFT-08
The above is a partial listing. Basically any radio that can link to the X4R or D4R-II receiver that is inside the linker will work. This includes radios that can work with a DJT, DFT or DHT FrSky module. In most cases, any radio with a trainer port can be adapted to work with the exception of some of the newer Spektrum radios as they lack a normal CPPM signal.