Here's some pics. The nose gear isn't from the F-22, but is similar, and actually an improved design from "lessons learned." A short servo arm or similar is screwed above the retainer. I attach a
light wire between the arm and the servo. Having a bend in that wire further protects the servo. I was using a cheap, Amazon 5g servo, which has proven pretty indestructible in the nose wheel role. Go figure. 🤔
The mains I passed the wire through the dowl, and wrapped it with cloth, then glued that down with... something. 😆 I don't remember whether I used Gorilla glue, Titebond, or Gorilla Superglue. I
think it was the Gorilla Super glue, but I'm not sure any more. I used Gorilla glue to mount the down into 1/8" aircraft plywood, and the dowel passes about 3/16" through the plate. Honestly, in hindsight, I'd still pass it through, but once dry, use a razor saw to cut it flush.
The gear held up pretty well, given that I'm a, shall we say, "less than skilled" pilot. The Mini F-22 was only my second RC Airplane to fly successfully. Gear adds
weight, as well as drag that adversely affects performance. My plane was underpowered. It didn't work out well, lol.