FT Gremlin setup problems


New member
After getting everything put together on my new Gremlin build, I ran into a setup problem using the BetaFlight Configurator 10.2 Chrome app. The Spektrum receiver is bound to the Tx and from what I can tell the FC is functional because I can manipulate the Gremlin and see it moving on the configurator setup tab. I followed TJ's steps for configuring the receiver setting for Serial and enabled UART3 . But the entire time this is going on, the FC is steadily flashing red. I can't find any troubleshooting information describing what this means.

The other problem I have is on the receiver tab of BetaFlight. I set the Channel Mapping to Spektrum and hit save. Now here's another thing I can't find any information on. The status bars for the stick inputs for Yaw, Pitch, etc just blink constantly. Moving the sticks does nothing. All the bars blink in unison. When I go to the Modes tab, assigning a switch to Arm does nothing either.

Can anyone help me out here and tell me why my FC is blinking red? It's not rapid. It's just a steady on/off pattern. And why the stick deflection bars all blink on/off in unison? I would be nice if there was some kind of troubleshooting page for these things explaining what the flash patterns mean. Like computer beep codes. I really hope I don't have to take this thing apart because there are two layers of two-sided tape between the receiver and FC and pulling that off is going to be pretty hard.

In hindsight, I should have done all the configuring before finally assembly just in case something went wrong. At this rate, it will be tough to flash the FC because like I said, that receiver is stuck on there pretty good. That darn 3M tape.


New member
I managed to peel the receiver off without breaking any solder joints and was able to put the FC in bootloader mode and flash it to the latest firmware. That resolved the configuration problems. But the FC is still doing that flashing thing. Upon further inspection, I did notice that it does a series of quick red flashes that are too fast to count then settles to a steady on/off flash pattern. I doubt it will affect anything when it comes to flying. I was just wondering. I'm wondering if it is a SP Racing FC thing because my larger quad has a SP Racing F3 board also and it does the same thing. But I noticed in TJ's build video, it doesn't happen.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Joshua Bardwell put out a video showing the new way error codes are presented in beat flight a while ago. I have been out of the loop keeping up with things so you would have to root thru his vids but it is there and public.


New member
Joshua Bardwell put out a video showing the new way error codes are presented in beat flight a while ago. I have been out of the loop keeping up with things so you would have to root thru his vids but it is there and public.

Thanks - I'll have to look that up.


Eternal Student
I believe that flashing LED means that the FC is not communicating with the receiver. This would also explain your problems with the receiver tab. Double check your connections and make sure you have SPEKTRUM2048 as your serial provider. I'm assuming you're using a Spektrum branded serial receiver, some Orange and lemon ones use 1024.


New member
I believe that flashing LED means that the FC is not communicating with the receiver. This would also explain your problems with the receiver tab. Double check your connections and make sure you have SPEKTRUM2048 as your serial provider. I'm assuming you're using a Spektrum branded serial receiver, some Orange and lemon ones use 1024.
I got everything (mostly everything) working when I flashed the FC. I was able to set my endpoints in the receiver tab. However, the blinking still happens. But as long as everything else is working< I'm not really going to worry about it. I don't think it will have any effect on flying. I'm using the Spektrum racing Rx w/diversity. It is set to Spektrum2048. The flight controller, an SP Racing F3 EVO, is only expecting pwr, gnd, and signal so I don't know what it's not getting that cause the LED to blink.