FT Master Series P-47, 13th Squadron P-47


Active member
I enjoy the Master Series planes but the P-47 on 13th Squadron caught my eye. Any experience? I like their fuselage design around the central "box". Looks stronger and less "spongey" than FT Master Series fuselages. Thoughts/

SSgt Duramax

Junior Member
I enjoy the Master Series planes but the P-47 on 13th Squadron caught my eye. Any experience? I like their fuselage design around the central "box". Looks stronger and less "spongey" than FT Master Series fuselages. Thoughts/
I can't vouch for the P-47. I have the F6F and it freaking rocks. I highly suggest it. All his models are good from what I hear.



Active member
That is nice looking! I looked at their build pictures for your plane, it looks like they alternated using poster board and foam board for the skin of the fuselage then finally settled on foam board? Maybe the pictures were a combination of builds. What did you use?


Active member
I love my A6M Zero build from their plans. The plane flies amazing and it's definitely a looker. Nice thing is, it won't cost a lot to try out their build.

SSgt Duramax

Junior Member
That is nice looking! I looked at their build pictures for your plane, it looks like they alternated using poster board and foam board for the skin of the fuselage then finally settled on foam board? Maybe the pictures were a combination of builds. What did you use?

It is all dtfb. I about didnt build it because i thought it was posterboard, and I dont really like posterboard. But then I realized it was either a white or foamless piece of DTFB use for mock up.

I made a build log.


I love my A6M Zero build from their plans. The plane flies amazing and it's definitely a looker. Nice thing is, it won't cost a lot to try out their build.

I have build both the FT zero and the 13th SQ one. The 13th squadron one has a way higher level of detail, and is about as easy to build.

I havent flown the FT zero but the 13th sq one flew great until it crashed due to builder error (i forgot to screw in an aileron horn).


Elite member
Just got the Texan cut out,

If you're talking about the 13th Squadron Texan, you're in for a treat when you fly it. Its an acrobatic stud when fitted with a 4S 2200 battery and a C Pack motor. The CG is a little tricky, but I got mine to balance with the battery all the way back in the storage tray.


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Active member
Yes, the squadron 13 one.
I hope to start putting it together Saturday after I go fly the arrow at my local flight school


Well-known member
They are different scales. The 13th squadron one is a "mini" where the FT one is the larger "main scale" size. Both are nice planes.

My son has built and flown the 13th Squadron P-47. I've built and flown the FT one, which is darn near twice the size of the mini.