Hawker Tempest - PDFs


Active member

PDFs coming soon

Well hear you guys go, I have not build this model so some fixes may be required. Have fun build away.

/******************** Please Note ************************************************** *****/
These designs are not hard but they assume a good knowledge of foam board aircraft and building techniques. If you are a beginner watch the youtube's and do a couple of FT designs first to get some experience.
/************************************************** ************************************/

Wingspan 1019mm or 40"

If I have forgotten anything please just leave a reply.

Red = Cut
Light Green = Crease
Blue Long Dash = 50% Cut

This is what I have used:
28x26 1200Kv with 30Amp Speed Controller
2200 3S Lipo or 2000 4S Lipo.
9x6 prop.
2" Dubro Nose Spinner.