Hello + a question!


Junior Member
Hi! My grandfather got me into this hobby a long time ago. He built from balsa as well as selling kits. After a long hiatus I found this site and got extremely excited. That said, here's my question.

I am extremely interested in buying the sea duck. However, one thing I'm not understanding is that it is listed under the swappable series. The power pods in the build don't look like the pods in the other swappable planes, so I'm hoping for some guidance on what I'm missing!

Thank you.


Rogue Drone Pilot
You are correct sir. The pods on the sea duck are not from the swappable series. If you're buying a sea duck kit it will come with the materials you need to build the pods.

Not sure why it is listed under the swappable series but if you're wanting a twin engine plane that uses the actual swappable power pods check out the FT cruiser.