Help me pick out my a battery charging system.


Hey everyone, I'm new to the hobby so I'll be starting with nothing, but I'm looking for advice on picking out a battery charging/checking setup that is a good value and will last me a while.

I think I would like something versatile that can charge batteries at home or in my car similar to this one:

I'm also assuming a battery checker would be a handy tool to have?

Those are just examples though so feel free to give me some ideas of what would be good for me. I would like to avoid buying from HobbyKing due to shipping costs and customer service, but I won't rule them out completely. Also, feel free to recommend any other accessories that might be helpful.

I'll be charging mostly 3S Lipo's for multirotors and small to medium aircraft.


Tactical Ex

Senior Member
I highly recommend the Accucel 6 by Turnigy. I and many others have had great success with that. I regret not buying it first.

Tactical Ex

Senior Member
What would you recommend for a power supply?

You can find them on ebay by searching for "Accucel 6 adaptor" but I made my own by going to the thrift store with the battery connector in hand from the Accucel 6 and compared it to the box of misc chargers in the electronics box. I had to solder a connector from one to the other but it works great. Just make sure you match up the mah and Amps.

Ron B

Posted a thousand or more times
I use the imax B6AC and it will charge 2s through 6s and doesn't need a power source, just plug into the wall or use the included cord to hook up to your car battery.


Some guy in the desert
Instead of the battery checked I'd strongly suggest spending a bit more (ok twice as much) and getting a watt meter instead:

It will do what the battery checker will - and it will let you check the power your motor/prop setup is actually pulling to help you pick the best motor/prop combinations.

I also love my accucel-6. The IMAX chargers are nice, but the low end ones don't seem that different than the accucell other than costing more for the name. The more expensive ones have some nice extra features like measuring internal resistance...but aren't a great way to get started since they're so expensive and offer so much more than what's necessary to get going.

I use a power supply that came with an Energizer NiMH charger for my Accucel, I looked around my house at various 12v supplies I had on hand and happened to notice that the one for my AA/AAA charger just happened to have higher amperage output than I expected and does fine powering my accucel for the kinds of batts I charge (At this point nothing bigger than a 3S 2200mah)


Well I decided to get the IMAX B6-AC for the all-in-one convenience and the HK-010 Wattmeter & Voltage Analyzer.

Thanks for the help guys!