Hi! I'm CP44... I'm new, and I have Sparrows in Delaware


Junior Member
Greetings, all!

I'm new to the forums and have been watching some of the FliteTest videos for years.

I have a history with computers, networks, flight simulators, and a private pilot certificate (though well beyond the 24 calendar month flight review, so officially out of practice).
I tend to work with cheap parts and solutions but will occasionally get something unusual or more expensive if I like the features or find something significantly useful in specifications/capabilities. I will help when I can if I can... on the other side, the FT forums and community are huge, so I may instead just be looking around in awe and confusion when I'm here. From what I have seen so far, it doesn't look like my choices of equipment and combinations are the popular choices. If this goes well, I'll be putting up my attempts and projects for reference. They're not "do it my way" things, they're for reference. I welcome comments and alternatives - if the point is "don't do it that way" - include the reasons, please, for me and the other readers.

Things I use or have around for projects:
  • Devo transmitters (running Deviation when possible)
  • MinimOSD (clone)
  • Remote cameras (FPV)
  • APM:plane (Ardupilot, clone)
  • Mission Planner ground station (PC with camera input)
  • General insanity (personality trait)

I figured I would wait to post until I had something to show. I'll try this image...


So, my first FliteTest project...
2 FT Mini Sparrows
After pondering videos, foam plans, the original FT Mini plans, etc... I saw the Sparrow video (where they seem to have ailerons) where the design has a pusher prop, is flown with multiple people, and is flown by people new to fixed-wing. I'd like to give these cameras later; and I don't like propellers on the nose much, anyway. I had found my starting point!
  • Implied "upgrade" to at least 4 channel training because as a pilot from small planes and simulators, I want ailerons.
  • Starting from cheap foam board as practice.
  • My first attempt let me do an entire Sparrow, extra tail skid, and extra power pod from the first sheet...
  • Ordered matching Speed Built kits & Power Pack As for the servos and basic parts. (As awesome as FT ideas & videos are, I don't have a hobby store of spare components around. I do have wire bits.)
  • Installed body servos in different position to allow for "pulling" the elevators up as mentioned in a different FT video (control rods are between the tails)
  • Created an optimized layout for FT Mini Sparrow for people intent on getting a full plane from a single 30"x20" sheet of foam and willing to move the pieces/templates around. Note below & image attached...
  • Applied spray paint for visibility and orientation (not yet done)
  • Acquired 2 transmitters to be compatible with these planes (Receivers are AR6110E or clones) and other equipment I have (and maybe guest projects)
  • Controls set up on Devo 10 and then copied to both Devo 7E units
  • Controls currently include... Throttle, V-tail, ailerons, flaps (flaperons)
Still considering...
  • Landing gear
  • Remote cameras ("FPV", fixed (no servos))

For the attached Sparrow parts layout, still more part density can be achieved (preserving some contiguous foam area) if the spars can be cut as 4 separate strips (using the bottom edge where the guides/gauges/rulers are shown).


  • Sparrow Optimized_30.png
    Sparrow Optimized_30.png
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