Inkscape and skins for design...


Master member
I've used Inkscape for a while now to edit plans as well as my two designs so far. I thought I was slick in using Extensions>>Visualize Path>>Measure Path to ensure the mating ends of skins were dead on in length so they would match up perfectly. My last upload used this method to ensure this was the case on two skins - well, they didn't. I'm sure when I printed things out they were all accurately scaled (the parts are only off by a very small amount.) I'd expect that the paper wouldn't stretch at all and the lengths should be the same.

Has anyone else who used Inkscape use this method for skins matching up? I find myself having to make the one mating part almost 2mm longer - the entire 'length' is about 321mm - so less than 1% off... Perhaps the extension isn't highly accurate? I dunno..



Elite member
What is your stroke width? Could that be it? I am not familiar with that extension, but I know it drives me nuts whenever I resize an object, it changes the stroke size. Are you printing from adobe? I printed a one sheet skin with a camo pattern and had to take it as pdf to adobe because printing from inkscape butchered the pattern.


Master member
I believe they're the same width... and I know! that annoys me too 😆 I always export sheets to pdf and print from Adobe or whatever. I'll double check this evening...