
I was a pilot car driver, ( for oversized loads), I saw this a truck stop and had to share.


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Master member
Nice! Looks like a Hawker Hurricane. Though my favourite thing about these photos is that they show: real or not, the best way to transport a plane, is with bubblewrap! 😂

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Well that makes feel better about what I need to do this weekend. Moved from Il to Ga 6mos ago & left the toys in storage in Il. Wasn't sure how best to get them back & decided I was just gonna take the wings off, wrap everything up in bubble wrap & throw the lot in the back of trailer like chord wood. 20'sh models ranging from my 30" Pup to a couple of 1/4 scalers. leaving Sunday & be interesting to see how much repairing will need to done when I get back. :eek:


Well-known member
I hope it's a covered trailer. It's a bad time of the year to plan uncovered moving of fragile objects. I had to haul some furniture last week and was relieved that it was a calm, sunny day to do it. Still, I had as much as I could get inside my trucks topper. Moved from one side of Wichita to the other side, somehow had a heavy box of books land on my just finished Ringmaster. Should have made another trip. Turned it into splinters and didn't do the Fox 25 on it any good either.


Master member
I hope it's a covered trailer. It's a bad time of the year to plan uncovered moving of fragile objects. I had to haul some furniture last week and was relieved that it was a calm, sunny day to do it. Still, I had as much as I could get inside my trucks topper. Moved from one side of Wichita to the other side, somehow had a heavy box of books land on my just finished Ringmaster. Should have made another trip. Turned it into splinters and didn't do the Fox 25 on it any good either.

Oh, sorry to hear about the Ringmaster. My first control line build was a Ringmaster. That was many many moons ago. Yes it is an enclosed 6X12 & the only thing left R the planes to bounce around on themselves. I'll do a before and what's left after pic.


Well-known member
Cover them with blankets to hold them still Lay the wings down on a blanket, cover that with a blanket and straddle the wings with the landing gear and Towels and blankets over that. Then try not to serpentine your rig all the time, in the same line like a squid on his first Sport Bike.


Set them in the trailer and blow a case of spray foam over it. Halfway home, loose the trailer with black spray paint letters on the side that says "I couldn't help myself, their all torn too pieces in here. May god have mercy on my soul. You'll hate loosing the airplanes but the giggles you'll get watching the State and Federals cops slowly inspect it on the news will be priceless.


Master member
Looks like a somewhat successful trip. Dismantled & wrapped the park flyers. Took some grand wardrobe boxes, put a layer of bubble stuff on the bottom, slid the planes in from the top length wise, added more bubble stuff to keep them from bouncing around, & loaded them in the trailer. Took some more wardrobe boxes unfolded, to keep the straps from digging in by creating a wall. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room for the three quarter size birds for me to get them in safely. I have one more trip I need to make back anyway, so what's one more with the trailer. So far, what I inspected appears to have made it back unscathed.


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Well-known member
Excellant news. A little planning goes a long ways. We took a trip to Ohio. Well, I took a trip to Omaha and picked up my buddy with our camping equipment and light planes and electronics and his QUAD stuff for racing a bunch in the truck THEN I had rented a trailer to put our larger gas planes, THE SPAD UltraSpadStick in my avatar, a SPAD DPS and my flying wing and some other things AND a couple of his airplanes including a big Focker D7 which made my Avatar plane look small. We put some blankets over them and put a strap behind where we didn't want them to roam. They roamed. Didn't cause much damage but MAN was I glad to get home. We made the trip back to Omaha, I dropped him off and continued on to KC but before leaving Omaha I took a 5 hour energy drink. An hour south I stopped at McD's and got a soda and took a couple of Nodoz to see where the 5 hour energy had gone. An hour North of KC I was needing fuel AND there's a Conoco station on the hill off the highway with the light on. Pull up there AND the station is closed but the pumps are on credit card mode. So I fill the tank. Almost done with the tank and a couple cars pull up to the store, One backs in so the windows are together and they're smoochin. Ahhh, young love. So I swing out a bit and turn around the pumps, but not quite far enough because I had to avoid them. The trailer hits those pipes they have to protect the pumps. But I don't see anything in the dark and the pump and concrete filled steel pipe looks fine, musta just rode up on the curb. I get down the road and everything is fine but I hear a flappin sound. Pulled over. Did I mention it was a duly trailer? I didn't need it for the light load BUT it was what they had, they cut me a rate on it but Illinois didn't on the Turnpike. The fender was bashed and the rim on the outer wheel was bent and the tire was torn up. Well NOW I was awake. Made it all that way, had a great time, all I had to do was make it home safe and it was pretty economical trip. Ruined that. I made it home, dis-apointed and didn't sleep well becuase of the caffiene and the damage and having to face the man when I took it back in the morning. So Morning comes and I go up the driveway to Uhaul. One of the younger guys comes out and says "Lets put it over here" and I yelled back "NAH, I gotta talk to Dad, it isn't how it was when I lent it to me." Pointed to the wheel. Ok, well, we'll work on that back where I was gonna put ya anyways. So we parked and "Dad" came out and looked at it. Ehhh, we can bend that fender back so it's just a rim and a tire, we have those pretty cheep lets go do the paperwork. So he pulls out my file opens up the paperwork for me to sign and says "Hey. You paid for the insurance." I did? "Yup, see, 12.75." Huh, I mean at that price why not? He just smiled and said "Your good. Come back next time you need it AND maybe take the insurance again?' Sure thing Pops! Went home and had a 5 hour nap. Slept like a baby.


Well-known member
Here's that Focker.
Really wish I had more film. The next flight he tagged that tree you see him go by with his wingtip, it didn't like that much. But all the gear save the prop was fine. The wings were still pretty good I think another guy took those home. The Ohio guy hosting bought the engine. That worked great till he decided to see what would win, prop or fingers. He's missing 1 and a half now to remember NOT to do that again. Says it's not to bad clicking the mouse with the stuby naughty finger.


Master member
Excellant news. A little planning goes a long ways. We took a trip to Ohio. Well, I took a trip to Omaha and picked up my buddy with our camping equipment and light planes and electronics and his QUAD stuff for racing a bunch in the truck THEN I had rented a trailer to put our larger gas planes, THE SPAD UltraSpadStick in my avatar, a SPAD DPS and my flying wing and some other things AND a couple of his airplanes including a big Focker D7 which made my Avatar plane look small. We put some blankets over them and put a strap behind where we didn't want them to roam. They roamed. Didn't cause much damage but MAN was I glad to get home. We made the trip back to Omaha, I dropped him off and continued on to KC but before leaving Omaha I took a 5 hour energy drink. An hour south I stopped at McD's and got a soda and took a couple of Nodoz to see where the 5 hour energy had gone. An hour North of KC I was needing fuel AND there's a Conoco station on the hill off the highway with the light on. Pull up there AND the station is closed but the pumps are on credit card mode. So I fill the tank. Almost done with the tank and a couple cars pull up to the store, One backs in so the windows are together and they're smoochin. Ahhh, young love. So I swing out a bit and turn around the pumps, but not quite far enough because I had to avoid them. The trailer hits those pipes they have to protect the pumps. But I don't see anything in the dark and the pump and concrete filled steel pipe looks fine, musta just rode up on the curb. I get down the road and everything is fine but I hear a flappin sound. Pulled over. Did I mention it was a duly trailer? I didn't need it for the light load BUT it was what they had, they cut me a rate on it but Illinois didn't on the Turnpike. The fender was bashed and the rim on the outer wheel was bent and the tire was torn up. Well NOW I was awake. Made it all that way, had a great time, all I had to do was make it home safe and it was pretty economical trip. Ruined that. I made it home, dis-apointed and didn't sleep well becuase of the caffiene and the damage and having to face the man when I took it back in the morning. So Morning comes and I go up the driveway to Uhaul. One of the younger guys comes out and says "Lets put it over here" and I yelled back "NAH, I gotta talk to Dad, it isn't how it was when I lent it to me." Pointed to the wheel. Ok, well, we'll work on that back where I was gonna put ya anyways. So we parked and "Dad" came out and looked at it. Ehhh, we can bend that fender back so it's just a rim and a tire, we have those pretty cheep lets go do the paperwork. So he pulls out my file opens up the paperwork for me to sign and says "Hey. You paid for the insurance." I did? "Yup, see, 12.75." Huh, I mean at that price why not? He just smiled and said "Your good. Come back next time you need it AND maybe take the insurance again?' Sure thing Pops! Went home and had a 5 hour nap. Slept like a baby.

Ugh, that sounds treacherous. I thought I had it bad enough when my partner and I spent all day moving house and I went to return the rental van. In the UK instead of U-Haul we have U-Drive, which is as cheap as it sounds and they let you park the van on the road outside after hours and post the keys in a drop box. Handy - we hired it for Friday and Tuesday - they're closed Sunday, so that's an extra day free. :)

Of course, if you don't want an extra charge, you gotta return it with the tank at least half full. So there we are driving a van around what can charitably be referred to as a city at 00:30 in the morning on Monday trying to find a fuel station that is open. First one is closed, next one is open but they've closed the pumps, now for the third one, Google maps is getting a bit iffy. My partner is navigating when she tells me to go left, but there are two turn offs to the left, right next to each other... "Which left?" I ask, "I don't know" she says - she shows the maps to me and... Yeah its anyone's guess. I pick one and it's not very far in where, despite being for some kind of hospital with retirement homes around it, it turns in to a real winding lane that you couldn't fit two cars in side by side... I am driving one of these:


I can't three-point turn it here, so I carry on hoping the lane opens up. It doesn't. I practically get the van wedged. So now I have to reverse back out using only my wing mirrors and there's no street lights down here for some reason, so I can hardly see anything! 😂 With my partner outside to warn me if I'm about to back in to something, a couple near-misses where I caught the mirrors on tree branches and what I guess was about half an hour of backing and fourthing, I finally got the van out of that, then three-point turned using a sloping driveway I wasn't comfortable using earlier, but after all that kerfuffle it now seemed easy! Wanna know the best bit? I came back up to that 'left' turn I had to take and saw the petrol station Google maps was locked onto across the road... There was absolutely no reason I couldn't have just turned right and avoided that whole mess! 😂 It's 1am now and no one else is around, so I drive straight across, put some diesel in, realise I've been reading the fuel gauge backwards, fill up some more and finally drop the van off.

It feels very strange going from a 2020 LowLowder to a 2000 Honda Civic but it was nice to be back in a small vehicle (this was my second time driving anything bigger than it). We stopped at Subway, had a 1:30am body-refuel, made the 40 minute drive home then collapsed onto our floor-matress... I'd like to say we got a lie in, but the sun rose on our new bedroom window, that had a white curtain and it was June. 😂😂 Yeah we were zombies for a couple days there.
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Well-known member
1:30 am at Subway/ In this country the only fun that happens there at that time is some guys yelling "This is MAGA country!" in a portion of our country that definitely isn't. Wish you wouldn't have gone there though cuzz MAN I could use a foot long Turkey on Wheat with Bannan peppers and extra pickle.
I'm NEVER moving again. I plan to set fire and just buy all new stuff with the insurance money. Oh, Might have to spend the rest of my days in a mobile home out on some half feral county lot, but I won't have to move.


Master member
Oh, Might have to spend the rest of my days in a mobile home out on some half feral county lot, but I won't have to move.

Mobile home? I mean, moving house is certainly easier when you can just simply MOVE THE HOUSE. 😂 I was gonna ask if you weren't worried about getting your house wedged on a back lane with no streetlights, but then I remembered America has S p a c e. Big vehicles are way more viable there!


Master member
It feels very strange going from a 2020 LowLowder to a 2000 Honda Civic but it was nice to be back in a small vehicle (this was my second time driving anything bigger than it).
I can relate to that. I had to pick up some set pieces for the theatre I work at. 4.5 hours each way in one of these guys.

My Pontiac felt mighty small after that trip, but the ride was soooo much nicer.


Well-known member
Mobile home? I mean, moving house is certainly easier when you can just simply MOVE THE HOUSE
It's a little misnomer there and I thought I'd already edited it out. Mobile Home, which we can call even more specifically as Single or Double wide IF'N you fancy, are not really meant to be Mobile. You do tow them to a position and then you set them up. YA, they CAN be moved but really only if they were designed for it and you can't do it that often. Now, an RV (Recreational Vehicle) in America either powered or 5th wheel type (or bigger) is more like what you're talking bout and I think they call them Caravans on the other side of the pond. I know it's something else, took me a while to figure it out when I was watching "Snatch" which if it taught me one thing it was NEVER get in a bare knuckle boxing match with a, well I was going to use the movies word for Migrant Traveler family I don't know what's politically correct. I AM on 28 more days of Facebook jail for being in a thread that was talking about what should be done with Hollywood and having just watched the 1963 version of "The Haunting" I used the last spoken line of dialogue "It should be torn down and the ground seeded with salt" Evidently a call to violence.
I did just look up Caravan for England and it does show that type of vehicle although it did also show Single and Double wides so it's a more encompassing term over there.
Correctly here amongst the more cultured people, my brother being one of them, they are called Pre-Manufactered homes. His is a double-wide with a nice wrap around porch on a normal small town lot of Coffeyville, KS. My Grandparents on my fathers side at some point sold his house and moved into a single wide where we went a couple times while I was a youngin, learned to tie my shoes there once or at least that's where I finally figured it out. I guess they were pioneers in the "Downsizing" craze.
Sorry Rhino, I've jacked your "Found a cool plane at the truck stop" thread. But for me, it has just been fun. Oh ya, here I is in front of my Grandparents Mobile Home in Cotter, Arkansas with my big brother.


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