Knuckle Quad Battery Question


Senior Member
I want to use a 2200 mAh battery with the Knuckle Quad. I am going to use the Park300 1380 kv Turnigy brushless motors and the 15 amp Turnigy ESCs. Which C rating on the 2200 mAh battery is recommended for this setup?
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Senior Member
1C = 2.2A on a 2200mAh battery.
4 x 15A = 60A
60A / 2.2A = 27C

If your power setup pulls the 15 amp rating per ESC, you'd want at least a 30C battery to provide enough current. But since you rarely, and only briefly when you do, run wide open throttle on a multicopter you don't need to worry about the high end of the limits. Not to mention your ESCs should be rated for 120% of your motor/prop combination will ask for.

Short story is that any 25C battery will do fine for your Knuckle build.


Senior Member
Thank you mustang7302. The motor asks for 10 amps and that is why I've got 15 amp ESCs on it. I see your math and it seems like I need 27Cs. Do I get a 25C or a 30C battery? This is my first multirotor (forgot to mention that):). I want the best efficiency, but good performance.


Senior Member
Since you're not going to be pulling 15A the entire flight, probably only 4 to 5 per motor ... The 25C battery is fine.