Looking for Oscilloscope Recomendations


I am working on a project involving a ATMel328P (the processor on an Arduino Uno but removed from the Uno) and WS2812B LED strips that I want to put into a FT Cruiser. I'm having some problems getting things to work reliably and would like to see what the waveform the WS2812B is seeing.

I am looking for an inexpensive Oscilloscope that I can use for these projects. By inexpensive, I am talking under $100 if at all possible (have to get approval from wife for anything more expensive). Looking at USB oscilloscopes that I connect to my computer. I only need 50 microsecond resolution (20MHz).

I am considering a Hantek 6022BL as I can find several on eBay in my budget. Also seen some USBee AX Pro Chinese knockoffs on eBay for about $50 but not sure the sampling rate is high enough for my application (they max out a 16 Msps) and concerned about quality.

Anyone have suggestions of what inexpensive oscilloscope I should get (even if over $100) and why? Thanks.