My first forum post!


New member
Hello Flitetest community forum! I’ve been browsing FT content for about a year now, but want to start sharing my experiences and learning directly from yours through this forum. Like many of you, I’ve been fascinated with flying since I was very young. During my preteen years I built some rubber powered free-flight models and even worked my way up to a 2-meter gentle lady glider. I spent hours on that glider pinning and gluing pop-out balsa ribs to spars. On more than one occasion, I trapped myself in a wing by gluing my fingers together. Unfortunately, the lady only flew a couple of times before the tail was completely mangled and having spent all of my lawn mowing money on the electronics, I was out of the hobby.

Fast forward to February last year. I spent a day with my then 9-year old son was home sick from school browsing Youtube to pass the time. Like his father, he’s very interested in flight, so guess which channel we found? In the intervening years between my balsa building days and now, I often thought about getting back in to the hobby, but was intimidated by the commitment it would take. There are some very stern looking gentleman with expensive, painstakingly built models who can do gravity defying aerobatics out there. Someday, I totally want to be one of those guys, but the first step from zero to there eluded me.

Enter a group with constantly positive attitudes broadcasting how much fun they were having without spending too much time or money. I can’t thank the FliteTest team for all of the great experiences my son and I have had together over the past year. From our FT Tiny Trainer, to the unflyable FT Sparrow I scratch built out of Elmers board (hence my screen name), the Bloody Wonders we flew in combat at FFE17 (after spreading hay as volunteers), the Versawing I wrapped around a football goal post (fixed and flew again!) and the DR-1 & SE-5 we flew indoors last month at the Kent Field House, it’s been an amazing journey.

Cheers! Looking forward to many good times ahead.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Welcome to Flite Test!

Awesome story mate. I think 90% of the people here have found the FT inspiration to be addictive and got pulled in to this wonderful community. It is great you have your son to go on this journey with you. Long may it last and long after may it live on with his children.