New Episodes Mon & Wed


Which Mon or Wed? New shows have been few and far between.

I think they are on central time, so they still have 3 hoursleft.
Anymore I just don't look for a new episode until Tuesday or Thursday, but they have been there, there were two flying sled videos last week.


Flyer Of Many Things
What ever ohio is in the U.S. I am still amazed they can put out a good 2 episodes weekly, and deal with family and other business.

"Patience yago" ~Alladin


Gravity Tester
Flite Test puts a lot of work in to their videos, especially if its very important like a new plane or project. You'll probably catch the Monday episode later at night or by Tuesday morning. The Wednesday episode is usually uploaded earlier in the day. All considered they still reliably upload two videos a week and plenty more on FT Extra. Patience! :)


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Or if you're impatient, wander by the store and see if you can spot what's new . . .

(it's a teaser/build week :D )
Stalking the store and listening to the podcast will usually give you an indication of what is coming down the pipe. On a side note, has anyone ever written an article on what it takes to put an episode together?


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
I haven't seen them do one . . . although on various podcasts and Q&A episodes have hit on elements of it.

They're the only ones in a positioned to write it, but as curious as many of is are, I'd rather they spend the time on the episode.


Flite Test Groupie
They just had a trip this last weekend with most of the members attending. I would guess that pushes things back a bit.


Staff member
They should really use the shop's blog to announce new items. :)
Nah, it's way more fun to find things on my own. It's almost like a real life version of"where's Waldo", but with Prizes!


Master member
It is now 7PM on a Tuesday and unless I missed something there is no Monday show yet. This has happened a lot lately. I think it would behoove them/ us all to build up a back-log of videos. Filming them a week or two in advance to pop them out for all their avid fans. Or, if two shows a week are too much, tell us and drop it back to just one. But please, please release them on time. It's a customer service kind of thing. I'd rather be disappointed than lied to.


I'm a care bear...Really?
It is now 7PM on a Tuesday and unless I missed something there is no Monday show yet. This has happened a lot lately. I think it would behoove them/ us all to build up a back-log of videos. Filming them a week or two in advance to pop them out for all their avid fans. Or, if two shows a week are too much, tell us and drop it back to just one. But please, please release them on time. It's a customer service kind of thing. I'd rather be disappointed than lied to.

the last I heard its technical issues causing the delay. That being said I agree they could do better getting the word out when things will be late


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Maybe a "count-down-ticker" on the home page --- 2-days 7-hours 5-minutes 48-seconds Until the Next Episode ;)

That sir, is a serious sign of addiction, possibly requiring professional help.

If you find the cure, let us know ;)


Did you ever want to throw out an opinion and then think better of it? Time for me to stay quiet!