Paying Hobbyking (Please guide me and put me in the right path)

Jnr Kuzi

Senior Member
Hello friends, how are you?
As for me, im all Good. So i hope you are too.
Well, after months of chasing up payments with rockethub. I have finally managed to get it.
Last week, i posted a thread asking for assistance in which someone with paypal would recieve the money and then buy what i wanted and then shipped it to me.
T.W (Balu) came through for me like he always does (salute) and offered to help me, which he did. Unfortunately, the RktHb guys saw how much i needed the money then they decided to send it to me via western union and then told me after i gave them balu's details.
So what will happen is this. i will recieve the money physically, buy a prepaid visa card (because i cant open a bank out till im 21, which is 2years from now) and then put all the funds in it.
But before i do that, i want to be sure that its a wise decision, so this is were i need your help.
Please answer the questions i will list below and then point out all that i will need to know.
"Note : the hobbyking customer service has proven to be useless because they claim to live but they dont respond, this is why i have chosen to come to the best community ever"

01. Will hobbyking accept, visa prepaid cards?
02. How long will it take to process payment and ship the goods?
03. Is it safe?
04. What is the best affordable and reliable shipping method?
05. Shipping from england to zambia is fast, will they let me buy product from there u.k warehouse?

Thank you for the support,love and guidance you guys have offered me though the time i've been interested in the hobby.
Soon i will officially become a pilot and its because of Flitetest and you The FliteTest Family (community).
I appreciate, please Leave a Comment.
Have a Great day.


Senior Member
Have you tried using the Live chat to talk to them directly? Can be found in upper right corner.


Junior Member
Prepaid Visa's are fine and will work however, it might make more sense to ask a trusted family member with a debit or credit card to buy the equipment for you and just give them the money after the transaction is complete.


I use my wife's Paypal account. Tried once a while back with our debit card didn't work, then about three weeks ago I really needed an HK-010 for checking battery and motor (didn't know about the connectors so have only used as battery checker) used her paypal and no problems at all. Shipped on time. Actually HK Shipped US Post Office and received package in three days (2-3 priority shipping). Ordered a radio many months back through Horizon (literally a few hundred miles away from me) and it took five days I think through USPS on same shipping. I would still use US Post Office though.