I have tried everything to updating firmware via SD card.
I got it to show in device and printers as a storage device then changed usb to joystick and it was still saying unrecognized joystick.
I have since installed another HDD on my computer with Ubuntu on it and loaded Velocidrone on that it worked for the first day now it's crashing every time i load a game so i tried my ubuntu laptop and the same thing happens velocidrone crashes when trying to load a game.
I cannot win
Now my flight controllers wont hookup to betaflight ethier.. another issue probably solved on ubuntu yet to try that one. Joystick is my main issue i want more stick time
Its getting better weather now so i can get out with my quads but i don't wanna practice tricks IRL without simulator hours.
Thank you to anyone who can point me to a solution as you can tell ill bloody load anything onto another HDD just to get this solved!
Kind Regards
I got it to show in device and printers as a storage device then changed usb to joystick and it was still saying unrecognized joystick.
I have since installed another HDD on my computer with Ubuntu on it and loaded Velocidrone on that it worked for the first day now it's crashing every time i load a game so i tried my ubuntu laptop and the same thing happens velocidrone crashes when trying to load a game.
I cannot win
Now my flight controllers wont hookup to betaflight ethier.. another issue probably solved on ubuntu yet to try that one. Joystick is my main issue i want more stick time
Its getting better weather now so i can get out with my quads but i don't wanna practice tricks IRL without simulator hours.
Thank you to anyone who can point me to a solution as you can tell ill bloody load anything onto another HDD just to get this solved!
Kind Regards