Hello All,
I am new to RC flight, I have been following Flitetest from longtime and I recently scratch build a Tiny Trainer, I and my son like it very much as a chuck glider now I want to advance so I ordered the electronic kit from flitetest. I am stuck in making a choice for my transmitter please help me in making a better choice between
1. Hobbyking Orange Tx
2. Spectrum Dx6i
3. New Spectrum Dx6.
As all of them have there own pros and cons.
I am looking for one which I could use for my future build's (Quad,Plane) and Durable so that I can give it my son later.
I want to go with OrangeRx R615X DSM2/DSMX Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver w/CPPM from hobbyking.
Please Advice ,Thank in Advance
I am new to RC flight, I have been following Flitetest from longtime and I recently scratch build a Tiny Trainer, I and my son like it very much as a chuck glider now I want to advance so I ordered the electronic kit from flitetest. I am stuck in making a choice for my transmitter please help me in making a better choice between
1. Hobbyking Orange Tx
2. Spectrum Dx6i
3. New Spectrum Dx6.
As all of them have there own pros and cons.
I am looking for one which I could use for my future build's (Quad,Plane) and Durable so that I can give it my son later.
I want to go with OrangeRx R615X DSM2/DSMX Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver w/CPPM from hobbyking.
Please Advice ,Thank in Advance