Show off your HZ Super Cub!

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Just a quick follow up on my SC and the "issues" I've had. Since upgrading the stock ESC/RX to the brushed ESC and Orange RX I've had zero issues during maybe a dozen flights.

None at all, and I've flown it harder/faster on average than I used to when I was experiencing the problems.

The upgrade cost me about $8.00 for the Turnigy 30A Brushed ESC, $6.00 for the Orange RX, and maybe $1.00 or so for the misc connectors and heat-shrink tube.

I also recently ordered a low battery alarm which beeps loudly during flight to warn me that the battery is getting low. I tried it for the first time during my last flight with the SC. I used a 1,500 mAh battery pack and wanted to see how long I could fly before it went off. Turns out that is a lot longer than I had expected! The plane was still flying with decent power when it finally went off. It was getting late, the sun was setting, and I was cold and tired from standing in a field. I turned the plane to head downwind so I could start my final approach. On the way I committed the sin of flying directly through my view of the sun. The plane was far enough away and heading at an angle so I completely lost orientation and couldn't tell if I was coming or going. I struggled to get my brain to work and figure it out, but it was too late and I ended up ditching in a corn field. At least it wasn't a tree. But for those of you who have ever searched a corn field for a plane you'll know what I was up against. I headed out towards the field, and guessed it was at least 100 yards in. I had to jump a small ditch and work my way through some brush first, and by the time I hit the field I wasn't sure exactly which direction the plane was anymore. So I guessed and headed towards where I thought it might be.

After pushing through the corn stalks for a while I remembered that the battery alarm had gone off while flying. Listening for it I heard nothing. The transmitter was still on so I started working the ailerons, elevator, and rudder hoping it would put enough of a draw on the battery to trigger the alarm. A couple seconds later I heard a faint beeping - the battery alarm! Another 100 feet or so anda bit right of where I thought it was, I found it. It came in at a pretty steep angle and took out some corn stalks on the way in, but there was absolutely no damage at all to the plane thanks to the packing tape reinforcement!

I took a picture, collected the plane, and headed out to warm up and ordered another alarm for backup. They're ultra cheap insurance and I'm extremely glad I had one.

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More combat please...
Horizon needs to get ahead of a couple of things.
You aren't the only one that has seen issues with the black brick.
It's awesome that you were able to get the issues and end up with a plane you can trust :)

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Agreed. Their Anti Crash Technology and that control port thing are nice ideas, but if it comes at the expense of reliability it's not worth it. Previously I was afraid to fly too far away and now I'll go as far as my eyesight allows.

I'm having enough fun with the SC again that I'm planning to buy a replacement wing and eventually fuselage just to make it "pretty" again. The wing will get the full treatment - ailerons, carbon fiber, no dihedral, nav/landing lights, wing tip skids, tape reinforcement, and flaps. Also either new decals or at least a paintjob. The old wing and fuselage will be recycled into a trainer for my son to fly once he's outgrown his Mini Atom. He can't hurt the SC any more than I did, and if he does, I have plenty of glue and practice!


More combat please...
One of the things I appreciate about the cub is the ready availability of parts. I'm still on the fence about repairing mine or just taking a trip down to the hobby shop to buy parts for a "scratch" (re)build.


Elemental Madness
Alright friends, what is your favorite thing to bomb drop from your aircraft? Parachutes, flour bombs, nerf footballs, other?


I've tried flower bombs, but they didn't have enough speed to bust open. Nerf gun darts are fun. I hold them to the underside of the wings with long rubber bands. The cub can carry A LOT of these.

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
I like the idea Flite Test had of using the flags marking underground utilities. Yeah, slightly dangerous if you get under them and the ground probably has to be somewhat soft for them to stick, but they're cheap and effective.


More combat please...
Parachutes and nerf footballs.
The nerf darts are fun too, just a lot of stuff to pick up
You can also saw a roll of toilet paper into three parts, fun, just more stuff to pick up.

Foam Addict

Squirrel member
Okay, even though I don't on a cub, i had to post this story.
I fly SSC combat at my localish flying club. For those who don't know, it's like trying to fly with 5 Brixlers in streamer combat.
We had a low showing, so we decided to let other electric pilots join us. a parkzone T-28, a Hobbyzone cub, and a 1500 mm P-40 joined us. After two rounds of boredom, the super cub hit the P-40 nose to nose at full speed. The P-40 limped back with a 1 bladed prop, left aileron and flap gone, and a fried Esc. The cub's prop became a 7x8, and it lost 3 inches of its left wing, and kept flying!!!!:eek: The kid put the wing back together and changed the prop and flew 7 more rounds of combat.:applause: The P-40, was in a box.
For all y'all wondering about the Trojan, I had a mid air with it. My 0.15 turned it to rubble.;)
Foam Addict.

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Yeah, these Super Cubs are rediculously strong - or at least able to absorb a LOT of damage! I've broken my wing in half twice, broken the tail off, and broke the fuselage in half twice under the wing. 30 minute epoxy and packing tape have worked wonders! It's a big ugly, but flies great.

Yesterday I took delivery on a replacement wing. The plan is to upgrade the wing (carbon fiber, ailerons, flaps, flat profile, etc) and then tackle a full fuselage re-build. Once it's all done I'll essentially have a brand new SC with all the upgrades. I'll keep the "new" SC and give the Franken-Cub to my son.

I ordered the wing, new rubber bands, replacement stock props, and a few other parts from Fast shipping, good pricing, etc.

Wade's RC Hangar

Forever Noob
Let me say this, all of your airplanes rock. They are cool. Here is some of mine throughout its life.

Now it is brushless and fast. It will take off out of my hand at 1/4 throttle completely vertical with now toss.


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Wade's RC Hangar

Forever Noob
Yeah, I got those in the works right now. I found a spare wing and will begin hacking that up. I also have a half of a wing that I can practice on. I love the fact that I keep everything.


Junior Member
look's great
I am a newbie on the site and to RC planes I have a super cub but I don't know how to post a picture I just added LED lights because it gets dark too soon can't fly when I get home from work


Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Looks like I might have to re-think some of the problems I had with my SC over the past few months.

It's possible that the OEM RX/ESC may not have been the issue I had with my plane after all. Yesterday I was flying my Mini Skywalker. After bringing it in to adjust the CoG I threw it back into the sky for more fun. Suddenly I lost all control. Luckily the plane was completely level when it happened so I didn't get a death spiral. It just floated and floated and floated and floated slowly towards the only treeline in the area. Planes and trees are like magnets and steel. I couldn't get it to reconnect, and even though the plane was only about 100' up I had time to cycle power on the TX to see if I could get it to connect. The plane hit the trees and lucky for me it fell straight down with relatively minor damage. When I got to it the connection was restored and it would have been ready to fly again (if the tail boom weren't broken...). An hour of fixing and it's ready to go again.

I was setting up the electronics on a NutBall this morning and lost connection between the RX and TX. This is with a different Orange RX than is in the Mini Skywalker. I put a fully charge battery in the plane and replaced the TX batteries to make sure that wasn't causing the problem and was able to make the problem happen again. So I tried a different Orange RX and it did it again! Turns out it's the power switch on the DX4e Spektrum radio I got with my HZ Super Cub. If I brush it, tap it, or it wiggles at all I lose connection either for a few seconds or until I cycle the TX power and it re-locks the signal.


I all but destroyed my Super Cub, purchased a new wing for it, and bought a new ESC and RX for it since I thought I was getting brown-out. Also lost my UM T-28 a few weeks ago to a pretty hard crash when I lost connection while flying inverted.

An e-mail has been sent to the factory to see about warranty repair. I hope they're willing to throw me a bone for the money and time spent fixing planes over the past few months...


Buy a Turnigy 9x. If you aren't happy with the programming, upgrade to er9x. If you want a rock solid link (second hand info, here) replace the module with a FrSky one. Or, buy a Turnigy 9x without the module and just pop in the FrSky module.

For all of the bad press the Turnigy 9x has received (mostly on other forums) it seems that Spektrum is not a very reliable system. Yet, folks don't seem to get as worked up over it. Weird. Turnigy costs far less and, in my experience, is quite solid. Spektrum costs far more (price an rx!) and doesn't seem all that reliable. I'll stick with my old 9x!

Wade's RC Hangar

Forever Noob
Turns out it's the power switch on the DX4e Spektrum radio I got with my HZ Super Cub. If I brush it, tap it, or it wiggles at all I lose connection either for a few seconds or until I cycle the TX power and it re-locks the signal.


I all but destroyed my Super Cub, purchased a new wing for it, and bought a new ESC and RX for it since I thought I was getting brown-out. Also lost my UM T-28 a few weeks ago to a pretty hard crash when I lost connection while flying inverted.

An e-mail has been sent to the factory to see about warranty repair. I hope they're willing to throw me a bone for the money and time spent fixing planes over the past few months...

I had the same thing happen to me. Apparently there is a problem with the DX4 and DX5 models and the power switch. There is a whole thread on here somewhere about it.