Sport Scale Build Off - Alp's F4U-1d Corsair


Biplane Guy
Hello everybody. Due to a lack of time on my hands, I won't be building the EAA Acrosport (at least not at this time). Alp has come out with some spectacular plans for planes I thought I'd never even see made from foam board. The Corsair has always been a favorite of mine, so when Alp came out with his version I thought I'd build it with a bit more detail and enter it into Wilsonman's sport scale build off. Images will be coming as soon as I can upload them. The current plan is to use the durafly Corsair retracts and propeller. I will also be coating the airframe with heavier paper and finishing with a sanded slurry for a toughened and smoother airframe. At this point I have the fuselage built and I'm sheeting it right now. I'm also doing a sport "scale" cockpit.