Starting out on FPV


Master member
If you need to go obscenely technical, all signal is analog. Secondly, analog will show "snow" and parts of the picture when extreme range whereas digital goes black screen (not that it matters Because you have different problems flying then.
Cant EVER have a good enough antenna system but makedo works fine for less range


I am assuming that most of the cheaper one are anolog
Generaly that is correct.
The entire analog FPV movement was started by people hacking security cameras & putting them on flying things. The manufacturers took over and bought us the current equipment.

There is a new "open source" movement that is beginning to break into digital FPV. If you are interested, check out OpenIPC & OpenHD.

I believe this has the potential to drive down the cost of digital FPV.

There are even some manufactures jumping on the digital opensource FPV train.
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Techno Nut
Walksnail now has an entry level goggle that is $200 and they have camera/transmitter bundles for $80 up. Those are even light enough to fly on Tiny Whoops and can run on 1S. The digital price barrier is really starting to come down. I am making the jump to digital for some of my indoor flyers this year. I'll be doing comparisons analog/digital once the season is in full swing and I get digital on a tiny whoop.


Techno Nut
does higher mw tend to bounce off stuff in a closer environment?
Run as low power as you can indoors. More is NOT better. Digital is MUCH better than analog indoors. Reflections are your worst nightmare when flying analog indoors. Running polarized antennas helps some....

Houndpup Rc

Well-known member
Run as low power as you can indoors. More is NOT better. Digital is MUCH better than analog indoors. Reflections are your worst nightmare when flying analog indoors. Running polarized antennas helps some....
$200!!!!! That's a bit above my I am thinking more like these

Are these any good?
Also I am not planning on flying indoors only outside. I will be flying in a three acre open space and then in a 2 acre back yard with trees, garage playground ect. and I didn't know if like 600mw would be to powerful.


Well-known member
A long time ago, the TV series "Santa Barbara" was shown...You could buy an inexpensive kit on the 5.8 - and fly, especially since your flights are flights within a radius of 1 km. Instead of flying, you ask questions.....I'm out of popcorn, and I'm unsubscribing from this topic. I love helping newbies, but.....


Active member
A long time ago, the TV series "Santa Barbara" was shown...You could buy an inexpensive kit on the 5.8 - and fly, especially since your flights are flights within a radius of 1 km. Instead of flying, you ask questions.....I'm out of popcorn, and I'm unsubscribing from this topic. I love helping newbies, but.....
im confused why are u talking abt a tv show and popcorn


Well-known member
All the tips for buying an inexpensive FPV have been indicated by aircraft modelers for a long time. Buy and fly, have fun and save money for serious equipment (I indicated the complete set in the links) for long and far flights. The Topic starter just keeps asking questions... The person will fly in the line of sight of the model - for these purposes, $ 100 will be enough for a good kit and will remain for beer..I'm confused as to why you don't understand a simple thing..JetCrafts, I haven't read any of your advice to novice modelers. Are you a real aircraft modeler or are you just asking questions when you don't understand.


Active member
All the tips for buying an inexpensive FPV have been indicated by aircraft modelers for a long time. Buy and fly, have fun and save money for serious equipment (I indicated the complete set in the links) for long and far flights. The Topic starter just keeps asking questions... The person will fly in the line of sight of the model - for these purposes, $ 100 will be enough for a good kit and will remain for beer..I'm confused as to why you don't understand a simple thing..JetCrafts, I haven't read any of your advice to novice modelers. Are you a real aircraft modeler or are you just asking questions when you don't understand.
im sorry if i offended you , i was just trying to understand the saint barbara tv show thing, and isn,t the point of this forum to ask questions so everyone can understand. so the wiser ones can help the inexperienced .again i dont mean any offence to you i just got confused by the saint barbara line.


Active member
$200!!!!! That's a bit above my I am thinking more like these

Are these any good?
Also I am not planning on flying indoors only outside. I will be flying in a three acre open space and then in a 2 acre back yard with trees, garage playground ect. and I didn't know if like 600mw would be to powerful.
i agree with shurik on the fact that u should by serious equipment ater, my suggestion would be buy an aio fpv camera , around where im from theyre rs1000 aka 15 dollars and then goggles are rs5000 aka 56 dollars , i would suggest starting of with this setup and then slowly upgrade from aio to a proper fpv setup and then change the goggles , all of this ove however much time . but i think the aio fpv camera like the caddx ant aio and the cheapest pair of fpv goggles should be enough to get you started. me and my friend share this exact setup and it treats us pretty well

Houndpup Rc

Well-known member
i agree with shurik on the fact that u should by serious equipment ater, my suggestion would be buy an aio fpv camera , around where im from theyre rs1000 aka 15 dollars and then goggles are rs5000 aka 56 dollars , i would suggest starting of with this setup and then slowly upgrade from aio to a proper fpv setup and then change the goggles , all of this ove however much time . but i think the aio fpv camera like the caddx ant aio and the cheapest pair of fpv goggles should be enough to get you started. me and my friend share this exact setup and it treats us pretty well
Okay thanks that is what I am asking, that if I do go with this cheap FPV equipment that would it just be a waste of money. I am looking on setting myself up with it next year but wanted to get some startup FPV equipment for my brothers birthday and would hate for it to be a bunch of junk. I was thinking of starting with the AIO cam but i would like to find one that I can replace the antenna (that was recommended as the part I should invest the most in), I don't know if it possible to solder a coaxial connector in the place of the antenna that comes with it. Would a larger display screen in the goggles be better?


Well-known member
You said I WANTED TO... You've been given excellent advice. The last advice of an old aircraft modeler: I want to buy a lot, but I've become old and not rich (in 2006 I had 7 cars) + diseases. But I'm saving up money and gradually buying what I've been planning for my projects for a long time. Match your MONEY with the contents of your wallet. Good luck flying and buy an FPV for a beginner.Money is what we earn, and time that runs away quickly is the most valuable thing in our lives. A lot needs to be done..


Active member
Okay thanks that is what I am asking, that if I do go with this cheap FPV equipment that would it just be a waste of money. I am looking on setting myself up with it next year but wanted to get some startup FPV equipment for my brothers birthday and would hate for it to be a bunch of junk. I was thinking of starting with the AIO cam but i would like to find one that I can replace the antenna (that was recommended as the part I should invest the most in), I don't know if it possible to solder a coaxial connector in the place of the antenna that comes with it. Would a larger display screen in the goggles be better?
if youre worried about the antenna , i would suggest just finding one with a clover antenna( i hv heard this is the best antenna, not an expert but prbky better than a pole ) then trying to modify it as the range is pretty good atleast for the avid small park flyer like myself. and im not aware of any with changabale antenna and dont think they exist as that would be very gimmicky for such a small system .
you could buy a cheap fpv camera and transmitter for like 10 dollars more and use that , then u hv the option of changable antenna , but it will be heavier , what type of planes does youre brother fly?


Active member
You said I WANTED TO... You've been given excellent advice. The last advice of an old aircraft modeler: I want to buy a lot, but I've become old and not rich (in 2006 I had 7 cars) + diseases. But I'm saving up money and gradually buying what I've been planning for my projects for a long time. Match your MONEY with the contents of your wallet. Good luck flying and buy an FPV for a beginner.Money is what we earn, and time that runs away quickly is the most valuable thing in our lives. A lot needs to be done..
impecable advice

Houndpup Rc

Well-known member
You said I WANTED TO... You've been given excellent advice. The last advice of an old aircraft modeler: I want to buy a lot, but I've become old and not rich (in 2006 I had 7 cars) + diseases. But I'm saving up money and gradually buying what I've been planning for my projects for a long time. Match your MONEY with the contents of your wallet. Good luck flying and buy an FPV for a beginner.Money is what we earn, and time that runs away quickly is the most valuable thing in our lives. A lot needs to be done..
Well I do want too….. all in good time, but first things first. I didn’t see any harm in getting everything selected for next year. I also don't think spending over $100 for FPV in my stage of life is a very wise/responsible decision. I DO want to be able to fly FPV but if the cheaper equipment is junk than it would be a waste of money and time and that wouldn't make any sense. I would prefer to select my own FPV equipment and know why I am selecting each part of it instead of buying a kit. I would possibly like to upgrade someday but this is not that day. I want support SpeedyFPV so that's why I am posting links to equipment and asking if I am right in thinking that those combinations would work. Also, as JetCrafts said the purpose of forums is to answer questions. And a lot of times when just looking it up online there are gray areas and I wanted to get a clear picture of what I need as well as create a helpful thread for other people who don’t understand the whole concept, that’s why a couple posts were posts that I was pretty sure of the answer but wanted to make sure as well as have the answer up in black and white for others to see. I really appreciate your guys time and effort in helping me!


Houndpup Rc

Well-known member
if youre worried about the antenna , i would suggest just finding one with a clover antenna( i hv heard this is the best antenna, not an expert but prbky better than a pole ) then trying to modify it as the range is pretty good atleast for the avid small park flyer like myself. and im not aware of any with changabale antenna and dont think they exist as that would be very gimmicky for such a small system .
you could buy a cheap fpv camera and transmitter for like 10 dollars more and use that , then u hv the option of changable antenna , but it will be heavier , what type of planes does youre brother fly?
Thanks! I think you are right about the antenna I seem to recall hearing that. I think going with a variable power VTX connected with a camera will be the best option for me. He flies Mighty Mini's and FT swappables so I don't think wight is going to be a issue ( sorry I should have posted that at the start of the thread)
Thanks again!