Telemetry FrSky Module in 9x


Senior Member
Im confused as to how telemetry works with this module:
My understanding is that i need to get the actual 'sensors' on top of this such as a voltage monitor or temperature sensor. On top of that i assume i also need some sort of monitor to view the readings and such and maybe a central 'hub' to connect all the sensors to. Is this the correct assumption or am i a bit off the mark about how telemetry works with this module?


Staff member
FrSky has different options. The "old" one is the central "hub".

I'm not sure how the modules you showed work together, but for my Taranis with build in telemetry I got a telemetry receiver (X8R) that has a "Smart Port". Basically you chain all the sensors after this. So I have a GPS module that will go in the receiver, a voltage sensor that is plugged into the GPS module, and so on.

But the Smart Port is quite new afaik, so you might not be able to use the X8R with the DJT module (it binds, but no words on telemetry: