The BatBone Tricopter for RealFlight WIP thread

Hey Flite Test Fans!

I have started work on the modeling of the Batbone tricopter for Realflight 6 and 7, current progress is going really well:

But, I have a little snag, I have the plans for every piece of the frame, EXCEPT for the straight motor mount itself, I have the straight leg pieces in the plans, but there is no plan drawing for the actual motor mount piece:
straight mount 1.jpg

Does anyone have the drawings for this piece? I could guess the size from the photos and scale it to the rest of the leg piece, but it would be alot better if it was exact... I'm really picky like that I guess. (Drives my other half insane!)
Also, assuming I can find my ol' Phoenix V4 sim, its packed up in a box somewhere from last years move, I might update it to V5 and get this thing into that sim as well!