Solved Tiny Whoop Kit Issue


New member
I am not sure what the root cause of the problem was, however replacing the flight controller solved the problem. I suspect there is an issue with the power supply circuit. When the board powers up off of a battery, the gyro chip doesn't seem to initialize correctly and starts putting out gibberish.


FPVFC President and CEO
Hi Dave,
Sorry I took a while to get back to you. Your suggestions aren't too basic, I am new at this so checking one more time doesn't hurt. I am using the dump file posted on the tiny whoop kit product page, and the settings match what you describe here. I suspect there is an issue with the power supply on the board. The gyro and accellerometer seem to function correctly when the board is only powered by USB. It is only when I connect the battery that the issues come up. The order in which things are connected is a factor. If I plug the USB cable in first, then connect the battery, I am able to run the motors using both the RC controller and the BetaFlight GUI. It is when I connect the battery first that the issues pop up.

That said, I received the replacement controller board today. I installed it and hooked everything back up, and it flies nicely! Thanks for your help and patience.
Brewsparks, I'm delighted you are up and flying. My suggestion is to not alter the tune on that Whoop. Use the dump file as you did. That will ensure you use Jesse's excellent tune. If or should I say when you add to your fleet, if you fly another small drone, try the defaults and if it flies too differently for your enjoyment, copy the PID, expo and rate values from your Tiny Whoop. Don't get too bold with using DIFF and restoring with that. I've been burned by trying a shortcut and normally just set up a new drone by keying any particular values I like.

Also, if the drone drifts a little when it hovers, search on Joshua Bardwell's "Accelerometer stick trims" or something close to that. Unlike a RC airplane, ALL trims are handled by the flight controller so you must program trims. It's a simple procedure and worth it to set it. Of course, be sure you have calibrated the accelerometer first in BetaFlight by connecting the drone to BetaFlight, go to the first screen (Setup) and hold the drone as precisely level as you can and click on the "Calibrate Accelerometer" button. Keep the drone as still as you can during this process.

Enjoy flying!