I also fly alone and all my models are over 1,5 meters. P38, A10, Spitfire, Corsair, Mustang and a few others, all are FT scaled up to around 130%. And I don't have problems with hand launching for a simple reason, more traction than weight 😀. And, usually, belly landing is not a problem as I only fly on grass. One modification though, aileron control/servo is located above the wing, not under. I made this modification after I had to change a few stripped servos.
I am already on my third A10. The first one was built with a locally purchased foam, it was very heavy with a very thick paper/glue. Ended up nose down into the ground, my fault though. The second one was built with original FT foam, but very expensive for us, Europeans. And very hard to find, maybe twice a year on stock at Lindinger. Those two was/are powered by four motors, two in each nacelle. Enough power, close 1:1 weight/traction. The third one I built this spring and flew only once, with two 4S 80mm EDFs. It was very nose heavy and I kind of crushed it, not very bad, it is already repaired, but I didn't find the time to fly it since then, I'm out of town with work until next spring. This last A10 ( as the rest of my newest planes) is build form 5 mm polistyren bought from DIY store, laser cut and covered with that PE sheet heated with my wife's iron, don't know the exact name in english. Extremely tough and very light. And extremely cheap, maybe a $20-25 airframe. Can't wait to fly it again, probably next spring. Well, enough babbling. The idea is never stop trying new things