Well-known member
**Update is at the bottom**
Went out to maiden my TT and the results were 4 crashes and two broken props. Not sure what my issue is but hopefully some can lead me in the right directions. First hand toss resulted in a left bank straight to the ground (1st prop break) . 2nd toss was 60 degrees up and bank left to the ground. 3rd and 4th were left to the ground (2nd prop break). Battery gives the motor tons of power and not sure if that's causing it to torque to the left.
After getting home I noticed the elevator was slightly lower on the right side. The battery is bigger than recommended and made it difficult to get the CG squared away since it had to be set further back in the fuselage where my hands don't fit. Plans are to get a 2s battery and see if that helps out and do some pre-flight glide test. I've attached some photos and video of the plane and my controller D/R and Expo settings. Maybe even just assemble the sport wing so I have aileron controls instead of just using the rudder.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Set up:
Weight with battery-260grams 9oz
TT with polyhedral wing
Battery-3s 800mah
Link to video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hX1fR_f8jjOtCYa8MDgylMif18imrsVM
So at the advice of @The Hangar I double checked the rudder and it WAS backwards. I built the sport wing and did a few glide test with the "chuck glider" nose attached and properly weighted the same as if the motor was mounted. A short backyard glide was performed (no tx) and it was very level. Took it out to an area with a nice hill and performed some glides with the tx active. Check out the video below for the results. Very happy and ready to conduct my 2nd "motored" maiden flight Saturday.
Went out to maiden my TT and the results were 4 crashes and two broken props. Not sure what my issue is but hopefully some can lead me in the right directions. First hand toss resulted in a left bank straight to the ground (1st prop break) . 2nd toss was 60 degrees up and bank left to the ground. 3rd and 4th were left to the ground (2nd prop break). Battery gives the motor tons of power and not sure if that's causing it to torque to the left.
After getting home I noticed the elevator was slightly lower on the right side. The battery is bigger than recommended and made it difficult to get the CG squared away since it had to be set further back in the fuselage where my hands don't fit. Plans are to get a 2s battery and see if that helps out and do some pre-flight glide test. I've attached some photos and video of the plane and my controller D/R and Expo settings. Maybe even just assemble the sport wing so I have aileron controls instead of just using the rudder.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Set up:
Weight with battery-260grams 9oz
TT with polyhedral wing
Battery-3s 800mah
Link to video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hX1fR_f8jjOtCYa8MDgylMif18imrsVM
So at the advice of @The Hangar I double checked the rudder and it WAS backwards. I built the sport wing and did a few glide test with the "chuck glider" nose attached and properly weighted the same as if the motor was mounted. A short backyard glide was performed (no tx) and it was very level. Took it out to an area with a nice hill and performed some glides with the tx active. Check out the video below for the results. Very happy and ready to conduct my 2nd "motored" maiden flight Saturday.
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