Well, um, hey everyone!


New member
I can't believe it took me this long to find a group like this. My father and uncle flew r/c planes when I was a kid, but I never got the chance to really do it. I had a couple cheap Air Hogs but that's about it.

Well, I'm jumping it with both feet, I guess. I recently started watching Flite Test videos, and have been really amazed at the plans and planes.

Weirdly, though, I didn't start with particle board aircraft. My first from-scratch design (still working on it, btw, I need to figure out control surfaces and the electronics) is a bit....ambitious. Trying out a method of foam plane design using Lowes insulating foam sheets with a sort of paper-mache skin.

I'll have to see how that works. Also, anyone else in the Seattle area starting up this hobby and want to throw ideas around?


Wake up! Time to fly!
I originally had thought to use the insulating foam they use on houses to make an EDF stealth jet and then cover it in brown shipping paper and white glue then paint over that then I started watching Flite Test and was embarrassed because they make it all so simple. I found I can't fly planes anymore because of neck injuries so it was for the better anyway probably.

Welcome to Flite Test. Run with your ideas if you have the means. Document everything and get us an occasional video.