What Did You Fly Today


VP of SPAM killing
Had a really pleasant flight with the bald eagle this evening. It behaves like a motor glider and had 80% battery left after 10 minutes. Very relaxing plane.

L Edge

Master member
Tired of designing, took out the F_117, the A-10 64mm EDF Warthog, and DarkStar and had a blast. My favorite is the Warthog which you can roll over with tight turns at low altitude and attack the tanks!!!! Just wish I could add the sound of the guns.
Here is what it can do in a tight area..



Techno Nut
Flew the Drift for over an hour on a 2S LiIon pack. Was testing adjustments I made to the Navigation settings to reduce the turning radius to something more reasonable for a plane this small and agile. Could still use a little less throttle in cruise mode. Made adjustments to battery settings in the lua script to get alerts based on the LiIon pack rather than the 750mah LiPo. Seing how far out I can go LOS without loosing sight. .3 to .5 miles for a super small plane is pretty far out. If/when I lost sight, I would activate Return To Home. (had already validated that functionality) Have ELRS configured to automagically increase power if need be. So far it has never gone up from 25mw.


Well-known member
LEdge. On the flight of your model : I would try to add 10-15 grams of lead to the nose (on tape) and the model will fly better.


Master member
Pretty sure he likes it twitchy, probably a feature for him, not a design fault. Judging by the planes reactions, I suspect he is intentionally over controlling via the surface deflections not bad aero stability.

L Edge

Master member
Pretty sure he likes it twitchy, probably a feature for him, not a design fault. Judging by the planes reactions, I suspect he is intentionally over controlling via the surface deflections not bad aero stability.
You are correct. This was the maiden flight after solving what the problems were trying to fly with EDF's. As we get older, the reaction time gets slower, so I tend to have an aft CG which makes the plane twitchy at the controls. As I try the flight environment, I get a better feel and as you can see, beginning to home in, especially at low altitudes and sharp turns.


Master member
Good to hear that there is at lest one potential builder :)

C-pack motor, 10x4.5 prop 1.3 3s battery is what I've used
Thanks for the info—I don’t have a C pack free right now, but I’m looking forward to the plans! Maybe I can build a mini version or something. I love the clean lines!

Edit: just noticed the plans thread after I posted lol


Legendary member
Had my “Moggy“ out today in the rain 🫣
the weather has been terrible for weeks so I just had to take her out and loving it


Elite member
Loving the afterburners. I watched a documentary about the RAF a while back, and it gave me a new found respect for the modern jets.


Legendary member
Loving the afterburners. I watched a documentary about the RAF a while back, and it gave me a new found respect for the modern jets.
Thanks buddy 👍 in the UK we call it “reheat” but for me it’s always gonna be afterburners 😂🫣 turn n burn baby


Elite member
Over and hour on the ZOHD drift with HD FPV, and 20 minutes LOS on a Strix Nano Goblin

Glad yours works! I’ve had it with mine and I’m not fixing it again, although I finally figured out what was going wrong.

A few weeks ago I was flying it in windy conditions and doing ok. Suddenly it goes completely vertical and drills straight into the ground from about 50 feet up. I was going fast, it wasn’t a stall. I couldn’t find any immediate issues, so I glued it back together.

Last week I took it out to remaiden. When I did the control surface check, I noticed that the elevator would only go down, not up. I took a look and found that a little white pushrod guide for the elevator had come loose at the rear of the fuselage, and was jamming the servo. I popped it back into place and it seemed pretty sturdy. Since I hadn’t seen this when I tested after the crash, I assumed that this was hangar rash. Spoiler alert, it was not. 😂

So of course I fly it again and it goes fine for five minutes, then suddenly it violently lawn darts again. This time I immediately check that pushrod guide, and of course it has popped out again. So yeah, it was my fault for not immediately realizing that the pushrod guide was the initial problem, but it’s also a design flaw that has probably torpedoed a bunch of these. Keep an eye on it, and probably use some super glue to make sure the pushrod guide never moves!

In the photo, the part to watch out for is the white hour glass shaped bit. That’s supposed to be fully shoved up into the tail assembly tube, but it has come loose and moved forward. You can see how if the servo tries to push backwards it will jam up against it.


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Techno Nut
Glad yours works! I’ve had it with mine and I’m not fixing it again, although I finally figured out what was going wrong.

A few weeks ago I was flying it in windy conditions and doing ok. Suddenly it goes completely vertical and drills straight into the ground from about 50 feet up. I was going fast, it wasn’t a stall. I couldn’t find any immediate issues, so I glued it back together.

Last week I took it out to remaiden. When I did the control surface check, I noticed that the elevator would only go down, not up. I took a look and found that a little white pushrod guide for the elevator had come loose at the rear of the fuselage, and was jamming the servo. I popped it back into place and it seemed pretty sturdy. Since I hadn’t seen this when I tested after the crash, I assumed that this was hangar rash. Spoiler alert, it was not. 😂

So of course I fly it again and it goes fine for five minutes, then suddenly it violently lawn darts again. This time I immediately check that pushrod guide, and of course it has popped out again. So yeah, it was my fault for not immediately realizing that the pushrod guide was the initial problem, but it’s also a design flaw that has probably torpedoed a bunch of these. Keep an eye on it, and probably use some super glue to make sure the pushrod guide never moves!

In the photo, the part to watch out for is the white hour glass shaped bit. That’s supposed to be fully shoved up into the tail assembly tube, but it has come loose and moved forward. You can see how if the servo tries to push backwards it will jam up against it.
These are NOT meant to be fast flyers. It is well known that they will become an unrecoverable lawn dart if they overspeed. Unfortunately, I did not realize that till AFTER I picked one up. They also fly best with some sort of stabilization. I got it to fly kinda OK on RAW pwm, but it was not something you would want to take your eyes off of for even half a second for fear that it would do something unexpected and you would not have time to react. I even broke the tail boom and had to replace it after a bad launch on my third flight.

My guides are not loose. I didn't realize they were there till I broke my original boom. I thought briefly about using a better tube but realized it would be nearly impossible to get the verticle stabilizer off without destroying it, and then figured out there were also internal guides.

Once I put a flight controller in it, it became a nice docile flyer. Very slow, and best flown in calm air. Not a very fun FPV plane unless you proximity fly, and possibly good for indoor flying.

My original intent was for it to replace my oldest Strix Nano Goblin that lawn darted at FliteFest when the very old glue on the elevon control horns broke loose when trying to pull out of a high speed dive. D'OH! This is not a good replacement and I have since picked up a new Nano Goblin kit.

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L Edge

Master member
Had a 2 fer one day today.

I have my NYGAD rudderless plane that went thru 2 flights and will need lots of tuning. It is up and running without a gyro or FC. It is a different version of my X-47B. Again, single EDF. Dual EDF's are another problem. Got a second version that will be different than the normal drag brakes.

Applied right turn and quick left turn, was going to fly it back, (that's dumb) and chopped throttle. Using 1300mm which it light in response.

In the area of EZ Pack-- my sixth design, used stuff from flying wings to make it a go.

B2 spirit.JPG

Again, my B2 version is now flying, going to make a Adams version to go less than 50 grams I'm hoping.