Solved Whizzing servo

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
Thanks. I will try metal servo for the next build for now i will try and fix the raceršŸ‘ And yeah it has no resistance on it. Got to take it outšŸ˜
I contacted the place to see if they will be getting them in soon:) I hope so because they are the cheapest place I have found to get them! (I think I ran there supplies out)

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
I contacted the place to see if they will be getting them in soon:) I hope so because they are the cheapest place I have found to get them! (I think I ran there supplies out)
Okay, so they got back to me and they said they don't know if they will be restocking them soon or not, but they are switching over more to Emax servos for higher quality. (some are digital too which is another plus!) they are a bit more but I am sure they are great quality!


Master member
Hate to spoil the thought, but, all servos today are digital PWM controlled or even numeric string positioning (still pwm however). Been that way since about 1972. I have some that aren't, but they are similar to bar of hand soap size and weight and older than me

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
Hate to spoil the thought, but, all servos today are digital PWM controlled or even numeric string positioning (still pwm however). Been that way since about 1972. I have some that aren't, but they are similar to bar of hand soap size and weight and older than me
Actually there are both digital and analog servos, the digital ones are much more precise.

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
Digital starts as analog and is converted to digital before sending to the goggles/RX. The process of converting to digital increases latency but allows for a clearer image quality. If there is significant signal drop out, video can be completely lost until signal is regained while video quality remains clear when you have signal.

Analog does not get converted to digital but still gets processed before being sent to the goggles/RX. Better latency than digital. More prone to interference. When there is interference, it will be seen in the goggles as static, discoloration, blurring, etc., but you will still have video in most situations. Analog is relatively lighter and cheaper. Most whoop/quad racers use analog because of the low weight and low latency.

As Litterbug shows, analog can provide very good quality vid.
Uh, we are talking about servos :)


Not a cheapo servo fan.. if you have access to the bottom screws you could disassemble while still in the plane and replace the gears or whole assembly with new bottom assembly. Have had the top gear mounts break in a crash, but then the fuse was torn up badly also
I do not have access on it. I had to cut out square fb into the wing. I replaced it the other day and maiden it. Didnt fly that faršŸ˜… i used 1400kv motor. 8060prop. And 3s 2200mah. If feels underpowered. Maybe ill try to go 9045prop to a 1400mv motoršŸ«”

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
I do not have access on it. I had to cut out square fb into the wing. I replaced it the other day and maiden it. Didnt fly that faršŸ˜… i used 1400kv motor. 8060prop. And 3s 2200mah. If feels underpowered. Maybe ill try to go 9045prop to a 1400mv motoršŸ«”
Man! so frustrating! Hope your next maiden goes better!

Mr Man

Elite member
I do not have access on it. I had to cut out square fb into the wing. I replaced it the other day and maiden it. Didnt fly that faršŸ˜… i used 1400kv motor. 8060prop. And 3s 2200mah. If feels underpowered. Maybe ill try to go 9045prop to a 1400mv motoršŸ«”
Or a 1045 prop.