
  1. R

    Help! DIY Climbing drone!

    Hello! I write this post to look for recommendations for a new drone platform for a very long multi year project I want to get started on. Here is what I what I need it for, which is mostly what makes this complicated. I am a climber and I have been working on this project; an early version of...
  2. S

    Is anyone still using a tricoper?

    Hi Flite Folks :) I've been out of the hobby for a bit, but am finally in a position to start exploring it again :) My last "main" multirotor was an Electrohub tricopter running on an APM2.6 with Arducopter with a Tough Tilt tail. I know tricopters have all but vanished due to technological...
  3. M

    Help! Y3 VTOL Plane pitch oscillation

    I’m developing the Y3 tilt VTOL plane. I have encountered a problem with the pitch axis, which exhibits oscillations when the plane is flying in the air. I have attempted to modify the PID values several times, but the oscillations remain. I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to...
  4. simaviator

    A down spout glider design

    Hi all, I designed this glider using the aluminium down spout as the fuselage. I like to post it here for your review and suggestion on how to improve on it. The reason that I have chosen the aluminium down spout is because it gives me a lot of room for my battery and electronics so that if I...
  5. F

    APM Boards?

    Hi everyone! I'm currently a sophomore in High School, and I have a few questions for the FliteTest community. I am active in our robotics club at our school, which has really only become effective this year. We have some much stronger leadership, and have been able to gather the funds for a few...
  6. M

    Yet Another Newbie here ranting about Ardupilot apm and Pixhawk configurations.

    Hello everyone, I am Michael Cote', very new to the hobby of RC everything... trying to build the FT H Quad. I am having some trouble understanding the ardupilot and what it all comes with. can anyone tell me what ardupilot apm 2.8 comes with? What each Peripheral does? what is the basic...
  7. hotbrass2005

    NAZA M Lite vs Ardupilot vs Knockoff APM vs Others?

    I'm planning out a build of an electrohub quad to be used as an AP platform and potentially as an aircraft for getting involved in Airbears. I'm trying to decide on a flight controller, but am not sure which one would be best for me. I'd like to be able to do GPS hold, altitude hold, etc...
  8. A

    Problem with GPS Ublox NEO 6M

    Hi, I've got a GPS Ublox Neo 6M module and even though I've tried to upload the firmware from ublox website in the mission planner(I'm working with APM 2.6) the program doesn't detect my situation. I've tried my u-center too and it doesn't detect the gps, as it doesn't exist. How can I solve...
  9. R

    Looking for suggestions on what multirotor

    I made my first FPV flight yesterday with the Mickeys FPV V3 that was reviewed by flitetest. It flies great but since i didn't have an OSD I only stayed withing 300 feet but for me that was a good enough first try, I did not want to press my luch and have my first flight end up with a lost...
  10. P

    3DR's APM 2.5 vs. RTFQ's ReadytoFlyer 2.5.2

    First off, so please forgive me if this has been asked already. I did my best to search the forums before posting. How does the ReadyToFlyQuads' ReadytoFlyer 2.5.2 compare with the 3DR's APM 2.5? Also, it is worth noting that the 3D Robotics APM 2.5 is now EoL and being replaced by the still...
  11. J

    Ardupilot Mega vs MultiWii vs (?)

    What's up FT forum! I've had an account on the regular website for a while, and while I lurk the forums often, I'm posting my first question today! Right now, I have a David Windestål style Tricopter, running on a KK2.0 board with the 1.4 software, and while I can fly it confidently, the board...