
  1. K

    Ft mini explorer 80% EPP!

    This is my little experiment: FT mini Explorer downsized to 80-83% and most of the construction is made from EPP in av variation of thickness and also covered with thin epp covering plastic. Dry weight is just around 164g and the wingspan (sports wing) is just around 80cm. Runs on powerpack A...
  2. cdfigueredo

    Help! New project. DLG flying wing

    Hello, guys. I've been looking for a model for flying in the wind for a while. Many have advised me to fly wings like the FT versa wing. But I'm really excited about the idea of building a DLG. I was really worried about the fact that I couldn't find carbon rods here to build the fuselage, so I...
  3. T


    When I entered the hobby 5 years ago at the age of 10 my first 4 planes were all made of EPP and were almost indestructible. These planes were amazing and incredibly durable but nowadays i can no longer find any reasonably priced EPP foam! Does anybody else have any idea where to get some...
  4. eagle4

    TBRC Wings is having a massive Post Christmas sale! TBRC60 and Reflex38

    Hey gang, I'm here to let you know that TBRC Wings is having a massive sale for 1 week only www.tbrcwings.com The TBRC60 has been featured on a flitetest episode when they were flying in France. It's an amazingly stable plane with great slow speed and high speed characterFishSticks. The TBRC...
  5. Andre

    Phat Hawk Build/Fly & Review (uberfly.ca)

    While at Flite Fest back in July Chris from the After Hours Podcast tossed his 3DHS plane. I immediately wanted one. What a great way to have fun specially in a small area (like your back yard). Jason Uberig of http://uberfly.ca saw my post and sent me a copy of his Phat Hawk 3D EPP plane to...
  6. J

    SALE: Officially Retiring from RC Scratch-building:

    SOLD Sold, thanks to all
  7. H

    Hobbyzone EPP Fix

    So let's say you just watched your fair share of flitetest videos. You get the urge to fly, you buy a nice inexpensive trainer plane, and you fly. Or to be more accurate, you fall. That is the worst feeling in the world. I know because my older brother was having his 6th flight on my Hobbyzone...
  8. A

    Make a wing from the Bixler packaging

    Why not recycle the EPS packaging box. 3 big flat pieces can be cut from the Bixler packaging box, surely that can be used to make a flying wing. I'm going to give it a go anyway.
  9. B

    Return to RC with EPP version of Cheap N Easy

    I'm stuck flying my Cheap N Easy foam delta because it refuses to break! I wish I had foamies when I started RC 25 years ago. I would not have quit the hobby due to heart breaking crashes. It wasn't love but I really REALLY liked my Sig Kadet II and picking it up with a dustpan killed RC for...
  10. J

    The Standard Repair Kit For Begginers

    Hey there all, The tool that I most use by far is a hot glue gun. They are very cheap and an investment that you will not regret, I assure you! Click Here As most of you will be starting out on foamies I recomend investing in some toothpicks, as these are the ultimate way to quickly patch up any...
  11. A

    Infineon EPP Bipe

    I just want to thank firetrappe from RCGroups.com for this great plan http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=606425 Finished mine in about 26 hours, and I took it out for it's maiden flight yesterday, and I must say I am impressed. Thank you, and for those of you looking for an...