
  1. voipmonkey

    Tri Copter Prop Confusion

    Hi Guys i am a little confused. I sort of fell out with the whole tri copter thing a while back as i did not understand why oh why my creation would not fly. I followed all the guide and nothing would work. So i am still a little confused about props on a tri. David always says you in all videos...
  2. D

    Motor Selection

    Hi Guys, I have the 36.6in Hobbyking Yak54 (, and I am looking to replace the geared inrunner with an outrunner. I am interested in learning what motor, ESC & prop combination I should use to retain similar performance to...
  3. B

    Blades bite

    Don't put your hand out to fend off a Cheap-N-Easy! I'm just getting back into flying RC at 59 years old after being away for right around 25 years. I started with a Park Flyer ultra micro P-51. A bit twitchy but so light it is tough as nails. Then an AXN Floater Jet, not as tough but fun...