
  1. B

    3 meter inverted v-tail tav from bird of time

    HI this is my first post and first balsa build. Learned a lot but very happy with the end product. started with a bird of time wing and started by beefing up the center section a little with some triangle balsa on the ribs in order to hold the spars for the v tail. originally used the fuse from...
  2. P

    TBS Discovery AerialMob Endurance kit.

    Hi guys, Long time Flite Test fan, first time forum poster, so be nice! Long story short, I will be using a TBS discovery for a Design project I am doing at university, I will be adding extra modules to it to extend its capabilities. So on that note, before purchasing, I need to know if the...
  3. Vitamin J

    2014 4th Annual Colorado FPV Meet June 6-8

    Hello all Colorado and nearby FPVers! The time has come again for another FPV meetup and campout in South Park, CO. Every year has been a great turnout of FPVers and a great time. We have a great location picked out on BLM land away from everything where we can fly all we want over wide open...
  4. AG Pro

    DLE Official Website

    Greetings to all. I would like to share with the FliteTest community about a new website and here is the details: DLE Official Website Promo presented by Angel Gendut Productions D.L. ENGINEERING - The Sky is Home For more info,email D.L...
  5. RedTwenty

    Foam Board UAV Project

    Good evening! I will do an article on the main FT site, but they take soooooo long to get approved I couldn't wait to show off the new idea... For various reasons I wanted to design a low cost UAV platform that was lightweight and efficient. True to form, I also wanted to use foam board to...
  6. RedTwenty

    Drone Social Innovation Award

    Just thought some people might be interested in this that cropped up on my Twitter feed the other day. I reckon this is an ideal challenge for Flite Test followers given their use of low cost materials and equipment. I've already started thinking about some...
  7. A

    Fully autonomous flapping-wing micro air vehicle weighs about as much as 4 sheets of Thought you guys might find this video/article interesting.
  8. S

    Sky Drone FPV + Oculus VR demoed by Sky Drone Team

    The Sky Drone team has demoed their Sky Drone FPV system with the Oculus VR set. Therefore, the FPV video of a drone/UAV flying in mid air can be distorted in real-time and shown inside an Oculus VR headset. Keep in mind that this is only the beginning of our development process for the Oculus...
  9. ik04

    How about an episode about autonomous flight?

    I am really interested in autonomous autopilot systems, such as the ardupilot. It would be great to see you guys set up a quadcopter with telemetry and use the mission planner to fly out of line of sight range. FPV is not even needed, because you can track the progress of the copter on the...
  10. CrackerMcGillicuddy

    Champ Wing & Other WIngs

    My old Hobbyzone Champ has had a hard life, it was my trainer so it got bashed up good. I've changed it around a few times. First I changed it to a 1930's racer - the ChampRacer: Then I made it into the ChampUAV: Now it's the ChampWing: The hardest part of the project was getting the...