3D Puzzle Type Kit Providers


New member

I am new back to the RC Model Aviation hobby after a 20 year break. I am noticing a move with wood models to be built off a keyed approach that I find really cool for example Mountain Models. In fact I am really interested in the EVA and the Scepter. I was wondering though what other manufacturers have moved to this approach that I should take a look at?


Chris Hampton

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
I can't say which companies are doing the interlocking pieces as much as MM, but by all means don't use that as the deciding factor. By sticking with the companies like MM, Herr Engineering, Telemaster, etc and focusing on getting a well designed and executed kit you should be happy. There are plenty of great choices on the market, as long as you don't get blinded by the low price of the Hobby King type balsa kits...!

Something to note about the MM kits, you'll find that over the years the way they design the kits has changed a lot. Comparing some of their older kits to the newer styles (like the Lucky ACE) lets you see how far they've come. The nice thing with some companies (like MM) is that they put their entire build manual online so you can see exactly what you're in for.

The puzzle-type assembly is absolutely a great aid in assembly. You may have noticed that those of us building the EVA don't have any printed plan pages to work from. The parts to together so well the plan isn't even needed, and all the builder needs is a flat surface. Quite a difference from the old days!