4Motors or TX-RX system for quadcopter wanted.

Jnr Kuzi

Senior Member
Hey guys, after raising money on rocket hub. I have about $70 left on the rockethub campaign.
I need to buy 4motors or A Full radio system.
If you are in the united states and you have a cheap Used Good Condition Radio from hobbyking or flysky that you w are willing to part ways with.
Please sell it to me.
If you dont have a Radio But you have 4motors with the same brand and Kv/s or 2 sets of Different brands, please sell them to me for that much (shipping to to zambia via ups included in the $70)

You will have to provide with a Paypal email adress to make payment. Thats the only way they allow me to manage and use the funds.


Staff member
What ESCs / Props / Battery did you get so far? The motors should match that so it works.

Jnr Kuzi

Senior Member
Hey balu.
I have not Bought the Esc's or Batteries yet. The shipping rate is Really high and i cant afford it.

However i have Ordered 2 sets of 9 and 10inch multirotor props.


Staff member
Oh, I thought you got some parts in the other package :)

9/10 inch props would match with something with a little lower kv I guess. ~1000 kv on a 3S LiPo?

Jnr Kuzi

Senior Member
thats why i chose to go with big prop setup.
I want slow long Flights.
I just hope i find a solution to getting the funds from rockethub soon.
Paypal wont let zambians recieve payment, only send payments.
"What can i do?" #thinking