5min into flying sea otter on asphalt...


Everything was going great, it taxis very well in deep snow (with a little bit of up elevator). Slides across the asphalt great with and added plactic shield on the bottom. Was flying great on the few short take off and landings. Then on my last approach, just as i was bouncing to a stop (seems like when it stalls, it stalls HARD!) a gust of crosswind (minimal flips me over and instantly snaps my motor mount. I just stayed up till 4am the previous night to finish it. Now i have a crippling injury that if i cant fix properly ill have allignment issues at best, or have to buy a new plane... (that i had to pay $18 4 day shipping (cheapest price), but had to wait almost 2 weeks to get because the cali fires... ive broke 4 storch props, and now this plane in the first month of trying to learn rc planes... 😓😓😓 i wont let this break me...



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Now i have a crippling injury that if i cant fix properly ill have alignment issues at best, or have to buy a new plane... i wont let this break me.

The damage doesn't look that bad to me. If it were my plane, I'd repair it. I have repaired way worse.
Don't stop now, we've ALL been there. I keep planting my planes but I can't get them to grow. Remember the motto: Build, Fly, Crash, Repeat.
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Active member
It looks very repairable.

Jumbo popsicle sticks could help strengthen (piece on either side) and/or BBQ skewers like struts down to the wing for even more support...

And of course keep it square as possible..
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Elite member
Also, if you repair it (I would if I spent that much time in it) make sure to put some packing or even duct tape on it to keep it strong.


Haha, i appreciate the support guys... ive got hundreds of hours into pc flight sims, and flight games (I used be a helecoper pilot for a clan in Arma). But this Rc Plan thing uses a totally different part of my brain, haha!

Anyhow.. i jumped straight into throwing some bbq skewers into the fuselage. Thought about going into the wing spar? But ill save that for when it breaks next time, haha.


I tried to keep the newly restored motor mount as square, and true as possable. Useing eye sight, and a sqare.

Its incrediblely strong now guys, im gunna go shift my CG back a little bit, and probly go try it in a field of forgiving (unlike asphalt) snow now.

Ill report back!


Forgot i wanted to throw tape on there
That's right, can't forget the tape. I usually get 3-4 lives out of my planes. A buddy of mine goes for 9 lives, he figures if it works for a cat it will work for a plane.


Ran into a pole, did 3 kartwheels, and ripped a wing skid off. But itll live to fly another day! It was flying great, just when i would get into deep snow at to hard of an angle, the snow would just grab it, and sling it around! Also my battery tray dont seem to hold my battery in place. So i need to put some hot glue down on top of the battery tray and let it dry and get tacky to keep my battery from "sliding" all over the place, even tho its velcro'd down...

Im not beatin yet! I just need a larger place to fly cause C pack planes are fast!




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😂😂🤣, with all due respect, i hope i dont have to end up joining you're group... i hope better things for myself 😆.


I know nothing!
I am loving everything you've written and done. It's you and others like you who keep on inspiring the rest of us. Remember, you are not alone. Keep posting and inspiring, and pretty soon you'll be helping others do the same. It's kind of crazy, but with our first RC aircraft(s), it's not about flying, it seems to be about getting through the crashing! Then rebuilding and flying a bit and crashing some more.

It seems you've reached that hump where you're nearly done climbing the hill, you've just got to get over it and then coast down the other side. Keep it up!


Well ive had 2 batterys worth of amazing flight. Never crashed once, many perfectly flared landings, high bank turns...

Then all of a sudden... Wham!, crinkle!, thack!... i smoke a tree! 😂

I thought. "Oh boy i did it this time..."

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But, headed home with foam peices in had laughing from adrenaline. I had a plan.

After closer inspection of my shattered, crumpled pieces. I realize they are not useable. So i construct new filler pieces.


I tried using individual pieces but soon realized id be missing out on my wings rounded leading edge. So i traced them put back to back, and cut a bevel between the two, and whammy! I can pinch it between two fingers and swing it around with zero flex! Im always amazed at how well the foam planes go "back together", haha.



And as for the nose of the motor mount. Well she exloded as well... 🤣 I had to completely re-engineer a couple half oval foam pieces to fill the void.


...all is well now tho. Cant wait to get out there and fly. I just get nothing but crappy weather here, and 6/12mph wind. So i gotta wait for a good "launch window" 😉.

BS projects inc.

Elite member
If it gets to the point where the damage is too bad you could just print out the plans for just the motor mount and remake it. But it doesn't seem like you will have to do it anytime soon. Great job on both the repairs and the determination!


you could just print out the plans for just the motor mount

Im actually no sure how to do this properly? Like printer settings that is.. mine has a "margin" around the border that cuts off some of the part. Im not sure what "scale" setting to print at. And i dont know how to just print the "motor mount" and not the entire plane?

BS projects inc.

Elite member
Im actually no sure how to do this properly? Like printer settings that is.. mine has a "margin" around the border that cuts off some of the part. Im not sure what "scale" setting to print at. And i dont know how to just print the "motor mount" and not the entire plane?

Download the tiled planes- that will take care of the scaling issue
Look at what pages the plans for the motor mount take up and print only those
as far as margins the tiled plans take care of that issue for you.