Everything was going great, it taxis very well in deep snow (with a little bit of up elevator). Slides across the asphalt great with and added plactic shield on the bottom. Was flying great on the few short take off and landings. Then on my last approach, just as i was bouncing to a stop (seems like when it stalls, it stalls HARD!) a gust of crosswind (minimal flips me over and instantly snaps my motor mount. I just stayed up till 4am the previous night to finish it. Now i have a crippling injury that if i cant fix properly ill have allignment issues at best, or have to buy a new plane... (that i had to pay $18 4 day shipping (cheapest price), but had to wait almost 2 weeks to get because the cali fires... ive broke 4 storch props, and now this plane in the first month of trying to learn rc planes... 😓😓😓 i wont let this break me...
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