Mr Man
Just for a test I scratch built a mighty mini sportster without any of the paper on the foamboard. Where paper was needed I just put tape and hot glue there instead. Anyway, after complete assembly without any of the electronics the plane weighed up at just a little over 70 grams! I was stunned at how much of a difference removing the paper made. Just for comparison on the SPONZ plans index it says that once fully assembled without electronics it weighs 204 grams which is a lot different from my 70g around 130g of a difference. But I must say that after tossing it into the ground a lot the fuselage broke in half. So maybe just a few extra supports and you're good to go? I don't know, but it was a fun test and proved that you can make a foamboard plane a lot lighter with just a bit more time involved. Happy Flying!