Junior Member
I'm totally new to RC planes. I got my radio (Spektrum Dx8) and realflight sim about 4-5 years ago. I plan to do a bunch of Swappable builds mainly (FT Racer,FT guinea pig, maybe Pun jet, FT cruiser to follow
). I've watched a bunch of videos and I've been trying to pickup as much as I can online. Basically I need to buy the electronics for the power pod, but I want to choose parts that will allow me to use the pod for some of the more intermediate/advanced builds (FT 3D etc), as well as the twin engine flyers, down the road (FT cruiser,guinea pig). I've had a few years now on the flight sim I feel pretty comfortable with "flying" never flown at a field and want a decent motor one that can get up and go(60-85mph) maybe do 3D etc. I fully understand I have yet to fly anything real though.
I am going to build the FT Racer first. I know I am asking a lot for first build don't rip on me. but I am a risk taker!
I was looking at motors around level:
Turnigy D3536/5 1450KV Brushless Outrunner Motor
ntm 3536 1800kv
Turnigy Plush 70/80amp
2200 LiPo 3s 40 C
My biggest question is will this level of motors be to much! and would these style of motors work on like a FT big guinea pig?
Is there a better set up which you could recommend? would appropriate some guidance. any information would be great
P.S. I would need need a battery charger(AC/DC lipo charger) any good ones?, servos (HXT900 9g / 1.6kg / .12sec Micro Servo) . I have (2x)receivers from my DX8.
I am going to build the FT Racer first. I know I am asking a lot for first build don't rip on me. but I am a risk taker!
I was looking at motors around level:
Turnigy D3536/5 1450KV Brushless Outrunner Motor
ntm 3536 1800kv
Turnigy Plush 70/80amp
2200 LiPo 3s 40 C
My biggest question is will this level of motors be to much! and would these style of motors work on like a FT big guinea pig?
Is there a better set up which you could recommend? would appropriate some guidance. any information would be great
P.S. I would need need a battery charger(AC/DC lipo charger) any good ones?, servos (HXT900 9g / 1.6kg / .12sec Micro Servo) . I have (2x)receivers from my DX8.