Hi Everyone,
I don't want to high jack the thread. But I do have a question about the Tutor that I built. I have also put an Aura 5 board in the plane. I followed what Josh said about the servos and control horns. I have also put 125% in the transmitter for the throws. Josh had an earlier video about the Aura board and this is where the 125% came from. Here is my question. I have only about 10 degrees of throw. This seems low. What do you guys think ?
The reason you have to adjust the percentage has to do with how the rx talks to the servo and industry standards.
To summarize briefly for those who might not know, the Rx sends out a PWM (pulse-width-modulation) signal to each servo. This is a series of electrical pulses, one every so-many milliseconds, which the servo looks at to determine where it should move to. The shorter the time between pulses the servo moves one direction, and the longer the time, the servo moves the other.
At 100% throw, Spektrum radios put out pulse-width values of 1100-1900 milliseconds. At 100% throw, most other radios will output pulse-width values of 1000-2000. So if you have a flight controller looking at the PWM value, it will expect 1000ms to be minimum and 2000ms to be maximum, but a Spektrum radio set to 100% throw will never generate those values, so the flight controller will never output full control throw. If you bump the Spektrum outputs to 125% it will get to the 1000-2000ms values the flight controller is looking for.